Started by
Beautiful as always! I wanna post something but not rn haha
@Elder-God-Whisper work
Ooh! I like it. And same, @Tired-but-passionate, same.
(Um so. I got an emotional poem about God, or a philosophical poem about God. Which one do you want?)
@Elder-God-Whisper work
Uhhhh…. either or, but I kinda want to hear the emotional one more
(Um ok then. Super emotional tho. More like a prayer, I guess)
@Elder-God-Whisper work
(Sounds interesting. Let’s hear it!)
My God, why?
Why is my mind such a blessing and a curse?
My mind feels so tainted
So dull, bogged down by tiredness and heavy clouds
Yet I feel a violent sadness and anger in those clouds
They rain down
Lord, I am angry with the world
I am angry with myself
I feel like I’m under the delusion of perfection
The tell me I’m smart, the good girl, talented
Yet I feel so mediocre
And then I mess up
I should know better, I should be practical, I should plan ahead,
And a violent hatred, disappointment, anger rises up in me
It almost feels like divorcing the bad sides of myself from me only made them grow-
And I never notice until I’m forced to confront it
And that vast digital landscape
Why must it be a blessing and a curse as well?
There’s so much
Why do I feel so selfish, yet so divorced from myself?
Why Lord, do I feel like I can only engage with you here, instead of in that building?
Instead of in Your Word?
Oh Lord, I feel so tainted by human ideas
I want to scream into the night
For the screams inside my head know when to get my attention
Why do I feel so alone?
Why, when I cry out, I feel as though no one answers?
Not even You?
How are You talking to me?
Is it through my thoughts? But I feel no clarity comes through my thoughts
It can’t be through my environment, my surroundings are a mess
My experiences and how I perceive them?
And what is my relationship to You?
It’s so hard for me to think of You as a Father
I almost hate the idea
I can’t think of You as a Lover
The idea is foreign to me, I have nothing to compare it to
What kind of love do You have for me?
I know it is one that is unconditional, but what is its nature?
Does it even have a nature?
What word in my native tongue can even describe that?
Must I simply imagine Your arms around me?
I read Song of Songs
It was beautiful, but I’m tired now
It was only one erotic poem
Perhaps another?
@Elder-God-Whisper work
Damn…. That was sadly relatable more than I was initially thinking it would be. It was beautiful.
Thanks haha :’)
@Elder-God-Whisper work
big mama bear hugs
Thanks ;v;
@darling-velocipede group
not ~really~ poetry but look it started off as love poetry and i didn't know where else to share it. important note that both lads are very anti-colonialist and when they get to australia they a) found the first post office and b) use it as a cover to assassinate any rich bastards messing with the first nations people in australia
@darling-velocipede group
@Tired-but-passionate your language is so lovely and evocative. your lines are mad concise and cutting, i'm not even religious but i really felt that poem. you're so good dude
@Elder-God-Whisper work
Well, damn, unexpected twist at the end because I don’t read titles. Lol
Pure beauty, my dude
@Tired-but-passionate your language is so lovely and evocative. your lines are mad concise and cutting, i'm not even religious but i really felt that poem. you're so good dude
O////O I don’t know what to say
@Elder-God-Whisper work
Take the compliment, kid. They’re right. Ha ha. It was gorgeous.
@darling-velocipede group
Thanks. I’m glad you liked it ^^
@darling-velocipede group
Let’s hope you’re real-estate agent’s sanity is intact after you ask them these questions
@Elder-God-Whisper work
I’m already insane, and reading that just added to it. Jeezus kris.
@Elder-God-Whisper work
What is this betrayal,
that resonates through my bones,
Shattering the particles of me that mattered,
While I stifle my begging tones.
What was once warm and pleasant is now a burn,
Scorching my emotions to smoke and ashes,
The very same thing that passes from your lips,
As the blade deepens the gashes.
I trusted it to hold my quintessence,
Even as the grip faltered at a breeze,
And that breeze grew to a storm,
Then it dropped me into the ice cold sea.
What was this betrayal,
That embedded itself in my soul,
Locking itself in place forever,
Until my funeral toll.
@Elder-God-Whisper work
(I felt like I should add a new one, rather than sit here admiring)