forum Site-specific suggestions
Started by @Werevampiwolf

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A multiple delete option would be nice. I tend to change my mind a lot and would like to get rid of a few different things without going into each of them separately.

@Lightningclaw13 group

I'd really love a page for Education. I have all of the details in my Scratchpad right now but it would be a lot easier to have a separate page for it.
(Sorry if this has been suggested/implemented)


I think it would be great to have folders so that all the content would be in the Universe 'folder' that it belongs too. I have several stories and all the character, locations etc are listed and I have to scroll through my entire page to find what I need, however, if things were placed in a tab/folder it would be easier to find.
Just some thoughts :)


Hey just a suggestion; for the forums, I have to reload the page every time I want to see if someone replied. Is this normal? it's kind of annoying. I would recommend a faster thignyyyy idk what to call it, maybe make the site up-to-speed?

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Penstorm: Have you tried using the universe filter in the top-left of the page? You can select a universe from there and it'll hide everything other than pages in that universe, and anything created will automatically be added to that universe. There's some big changes coming up that tie everything a lot closer to universes though!

@Peter_Duende language

Is there any chance of there being a 'Delete Discussion' option? I see a bunch of abandoned threads, who's creators say they've abandoned them, but "I just don't know how to delete this."

@Bianca di Angelo

I agree with basically all of the previous suggestion. I've got a few of my own that have been on my mind for some time, so here they are:

  • first, an app would be soooooooooooooo helpful
  • plus is there some way we can access a dictionary/thesaurus
    -and maybe have like a dictionary of any vocab that you made for the story/ies
  • and I like to have all my things in one place, so I've currently got my story in the scratchpad and I made a folder within locations for any miscellaneous notes (and yes I am aware that you can import things from google docs, or at least I think there is) but could there be an additional section for like the story itself?
  • HTML function (bold etc) would be nice in the scratchpad/pages, along with like a pop-up gallery for what each thing does, because I keep forgetting
  • also (this is very far-fetched) but is there some way that notebook could have an inbuilt music function

thank you for reading! sorry for the long and demanding post


Hi there! It would be really great if the text size could be constant and not vary depending on how much text it is. And the distance between text lines could be much smaller for a better overview, so you don't need to scroll so much to read all the informations to your characters for example. :)


My keyboard always covers the text box when I’m typing? I’m on an iPad Pro with iOS 11 but my friend has the exact same thing and it doesn’t happen to her? Also, in the side bars, if I write a lot, the text from my writing sometimes covers what the thing actually is.

@VoidResistance group

I know this has already been mentioned a few times, but I'd really love to buy a premium subscription plan, but I don't own a credit card. Which is why I'd be really happy if you could add the option to pay via paypal.


Hey, can there be a way for chain starters to kick someone off of their chain? I know it sounds mean, but i think it could be really useful to stop the thing with Tyler Smith happening again

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

A way to recover things that we've accidentally deleted would be great! Also, a section that lists all of the forum boards that a user made/participates in would be nice to have. It's kinda hard to remember which ones I made/use.


A way to recover things that we've accidentally deleted would be great! Also, a section that lists all of the forum boards that a user made/participates in would be nice to have. It's kinda hard to remember which ones I made/use.

If you reply to a thread, you usually become a "follower" of it, and so if you look at the list of threads you're following, that should be adequate.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

A way to recover things that we've accidentally deleted would be great! Also, a section that lists all of the forum boards that a user made/participates in would be nice to have. It's kinda hard to remember which ones I made/use.

If you reply to a thread, you usually become a "follower" of it, and so if you look at the list of threads you're following, that should be adequate.

You misunderstood me. What I mean is to have a list of the ones that the user has made/participates in off to the side (as a dropdown) on the main 'Discussions' page (the page that we first see after clicking the 'Discussions' tab)…. I use multiple forum discussion boards, and have trouble remembering all the ones that I use. It's also frustrating to scroll through numerous pages to find the board that has a responce waiting for me…. Is that more understandable?