forum Site-specific suggestions
Started by @Werevampiwolf

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@Riorlyne pets

Can the links thingys (link characters, link item, link location, etc) be turned into normal text fields that you can link if you want. Cuz sometimes we may want to type out something concerning the link ( like maybe ths relationship of a character and their father or mother) please and thank you

What I’ve done is create my own custom fields. So for example, instead of using the (link) Race field, I’ve added an Ethnicity field that I can type a description in as well as linking to my race pages if I want.


Can the links thingys (link characters, link item, link location, etc) be turned into normal text fields that you can link if you want. Cuz sometimes we may want to type out something concerning the link ( like maybe ths relationship of a character and their father or mother) please and thank you

What I’ve done is create my own custom fields. So for example, instead of using the (link) Race field, I’ve added an Ethnicity field that I can type a description in as well as linking to my race pages if I want.

^ you can edit the fields of the character settings.

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

For the timeline, maybe having the ability to create a calendar system would help? Specifically for those with non-earth worlds. Like, have a drop down menu for how many days are in a week, and then have a text field or a list of text boxes to name each day? Then, have a similar thing for months: how many months are in a year, then make a list of the names of the months, and how many days are in each month.

As for formatting, something similar to google calendar might work well, at least for history-type things. Maybe have a zoom-in/zoom-out feature with levels like a 1-day view, 1-week view, 1-month view, 1-year view, and then a multi-year view. You could also possibly have it switch between a calendar-like appearance and an actual 'timeline'-like appearance, like a button or something. In this system, you could add holidays, as well as important historical events, and maybe connect the events to a certain page type. So, a religious holiday would be blue, and a government holiday would be green, character's birthdays would be red, the years buildings were built would be grey, etc. If the main page associated with an event has a picture, you could also add a little thumbnail photo to the bubble or whatever it ends up being on the timeline.

Adding in an 'eras' feature would most likely be useful in being able to create a timeline from a calendar system other than our own (in fact, based on how I'm picturing things, it'd probably be essential). Basically, in order to be able to use the timeline feature with their calendar system, people would have to create at least one 'era,' in which they would have to input: how many years are in this era (or, if it's the current era, how many years it's been since it started), and whether years are counted in ascending or descending order (like BC vs. AD). Any timelines created without a calendar system with at least one era created would just be defaulted to our current calendar system.

Then, for just basic story-planning, maybe you could have an option to turn off having specific dates/times, so the timeline is purely visual, and people can just drag and drop 'events' (kind of like the 'Scenes' page type, or maybe a rework/rename of it) on the line so they have a visual representation of roughly when everything happens.

Anyway, these are my ideas for what a timeline feature could have. Hope this helps!

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^^^^ Thank you for putting it into words! I was having such a hard time!

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If y'all have examples of other timeline systems you've seen/liked and/or timelines you've drawn by hand for planning, I'd love to see them. Timelines are technically super hard to build, but designing a timeline system that works for everyone without being so complicated only some people can use it is also pretty hard. It's a design work in progress, but I'd definitely like to do timelines sometime. :)

So I guess @halfging3r said what most of us were thinking, except from what I can tell those suggestions were more along the lines of worldbuilding history and stuff as opposed to working on plotting and storylines. I know that I'd be using a timeline function probably more for the latter, so I figured it might be helpful to look at that aspect too? Ignoring the fact that this is pretty ugly and my handwriting borders on illegible, here's one I've done for my main character's storyline:

Based on this, some features of a timeline that I'd really appreciate would be:

  • Parallel plotting (probably not the right word for it). You might notice that there's a bunch going on in both the actual physical story (left hand side) as well as character development and theme structure (right hand side). It'd be super cool to be able to put both of those things on the same line and be able to distinguish between them visually.
  • Along with the last point - being able to view several different timelines next to each other/on the same screen? If things are going on in two different countries at the same time, or when two characters' stories overlap, it'd be nice to be able to see them side by side to make sure you're not missing anything important.
  • Creating… phases? Segments? I'm not sure what to call it, but marking out the different segments of a character's life, or I guess the different acts in story structure. Just being able to show that "from Time X to Time Y, character A was a mercenary, after which she was a fugitive until Time Z" or "there were food riots on the countryside during these 4 months" or "this bit is where the exposition needs to happen".

What I've been doing right now (sporadically) is using project management software to plot out timelines for my stories. It sounds weird, but they're designed to keep track of several different people working on the same project with different goals and milestones along the way, so it can be (awkwardly) modified to create plot. So idk if there's any open source stuff in that direction, but maybe that would be a place to get inspiration?

(sorry that this is so obscenely long)


Most of these have been mentioned before, but I'd like:

  • Only having to add mutual relationships once. For example, if I add Character 2 as Character 1's sibling, I'd like it to automatically list Character 1 as Character 2's sibling, without having to add the relationship on both pages individually.

  • A place to write more information about characters' relationships, like how two siblings get along, when two best friends first met, etc.

  • The ability to unlock other page types of our choice, perhaps after a certain amount of activity on the site, without having to pay.

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Most of these have been mentioned before, but I'd like:

  • Only having to add mutual relationships once. For example, if I add Character 2 as Character 1's sibling, I'd like it to automatically list Character 1 as Character 2's sibling, without having to add the relationship on both pages individually.

  • A place to write more information about characters' relationships, like how two siblings get along, when two best friends first met, etc.

  • The ability to unlock other page types of our choice, perhaps after a certain amount of activity on the site, without having to pay.

THAT LAST ONE!! I am already in love with the site, but I could honestly use some of the things, like creature, and magic, very badly. Unfortunately I can't afford them… It would be awesome if I ould somehow earn them through dedication and usage of the site.

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

Having a map-making tool has been suggested before, but I don't think it hurts to bring it up again. It would be right up there with the timeline tool that's been being discussed here recently, in terms of usefulness.

Actually, if/when we get both of those, it would probably be nice to be able to connect them. Like, have a layer that you can turn on/off for each timeline you have, and, if you have an event connected to a location on the map, it shows up as a little icon. I imagine it looking like a little bubble with a picture (if applicable) and the title of the event.

As for how the actual map tool would work, there are various map-making tools around the internet already with similar capabilities. Inkarnate comes to mind, and I've seen a post on the worldbuilding subreddit about a map-making tool someone's working on called GenBrush. I'm sure there are others, as well. So, yeah, it's definitely possible, though, I'd probably make it a separate tool, rather than embed it in the 'Universe' page. Maybe under the same category as the Documents and the Prompts tools, and maybe rename that category to "Tools," if so.

Even if there wasn't a "Paint the map yourself right here" type of tool, you could probably at least upload an image of one you've created yourself. Or, if you're creating an Alternate Earth, it might be handy to have some sort of way to use an editable version of Google Maps (maybe you select the area of google maps that you want, and then the sight basically converts that into a screenshot/jpeg thing that you can edit).

From there, it might be handy to have layers. The base map, of course, and then layers like biomes, where you can paint them in over your land masses. For uploaded images of maps, there could probably be some sort of sensor or 'magic wand' tool like there is in image editing software to identify land vs. water quickly. On top of that, you could have a political map, where you can paint country boundaries, similar to the way you'd paint biomes. I don't know much about coding, but I imagine you could probably make a way to do this with already-created pages, so that when you clicked on the country, it would bring up a little sidebar-version of that page on the right, or perhaps just bring you to the page itself, if you're on mobile.

In addition, you probably also add a 'places of interest' sort of feature, where you link various pages to various locations (like buildings, locations, towns, governments, groups, characters, etc), which would show a little icon similar to the ones shown on the 'timelines' layer mentioned earlier. Perhaps (maybe this would be a premium-only feature, I don't know) you could even embed maps within maps. So, if you have a big world map, but then you have a more detailed map for a certain city (or even part of a city), you could put the more detailed map in a special field within that place's page, and then the marker for that place on the map could have a little 'zoom in' button or something, which takes you to the closer map when you click on it/tap it.

The only other feature I can think of that might be helpful is the ability to filter various items, similar to how you can filter pages now, so that you only see what you want.

For all this to work, I'd imagine you could have a separate toolbar on the right, with different pages for different tools/features or something like that.

Anyway, point is: A map-making tool would be very handy. I kind of got carried away, sorry. I tend to do that. Whoops.

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just a thought that came to me just now, would be a function in the forums that allows you to see all the threads you've posted in. Doesn't matter how long said thread has been dead, it still turns up in the list. Maybe have it sorted by how long it's been since there was a post, what board it's in, or whether you were the last person to comment or not, and whether you are following it or not.
I think this would be very helpful for keeping track of RP's, and other chat threads, especially if you need to go bump the RP thread, or you've lost it and can't find it via search….

@crashing_praxina group

Ok so a lot of people(including myself)have suggested a Family tree, but a way to map out relationships between characters who aren't family would be nice too. Like a way to keep track of who's friends with who, who hates who, who dated who, that kinda thing.

Like we should be able to add little bubbles with characters names in them, that link back to the characters pages, with different colored lines going from each telling you their relationship with another character.

Deleted user

Another idea that I thought up while doing character design:

How about a Tab for 'Clothing'? I feel like authors that play around with different cultures could really use something like that. Where we can describe textiles, color schemes, post pictures of ideas and such.

Maybe I'm just going too in depth with my insanity, but I thought I'd throw it out there!
:) Thanks andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)

Deleted user

Another idea that I thought up while doing character design:

How about a Tab for 'Clothing'? I feel like authors that play around with different cultures could really use something like that. Where we can describe textiles, color schemes, post pictures of ideas and such.

Maybe I'm just going too in depth with my insanity, but I thought I'd throw it out there!
:) Thanks andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)


@Riorlyne pets

How about a Tab for 'Clothing'?

@Starlight_I_love_Magic and @FaeEris-LadyOf-47Protons

With the ability to add our own tab categories and fields this is definitely possible! I’ve added a field called “Clothing Style” under the Looks tab on my character pages, but if you want a whole tab for it with different fields you could certainly add it! I reckon adding it to a Location could work if it’s clothing for a whole culture or region.

@Purple-Cat flagThe Worldbuilder

is there a way to have multiple different categories open at once (without having to open different tabs on whatever server people use) for references so I don't have to keep remembering to save my pages every time I have to go out and look something up? for example I want to look at location #1 whilst I'm working on location #2 but ill have to leave location #2 to look at location #1

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

@StevenUniversefangirl not at the moment, as far as I'm aware of. For now, you'll just have to keep multiple tabs open.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

That's a good idea, @StevenUniversefangirl. I'm working on some big UI changes soon that I'll try to work something like that into. For now I usually open multiple pages (like location #1 and #2) in multiple tabs so I can flip between them quickly.


If y'all have examples of other timeline systems you've seen/liked and/or timelines you've drawn by hand for planning, I'd love to see them. Timelines are technically super hard to build, but designing a timeline system that works for everyone without being so complicated only some people can use it is also pretty hard. It's a design work in progress, but I'd definitely like to do timelines sometime. :)

I personally would use timelines for two things. First, the overall history events which would be great to implement with a calendar system. Second would be for plotting a storyline.
As for timelines I liked - bibisco ( and plotist ( come to mind. bibisco has a nice and simple way to lay out events while plotist amazed me with their colorful and easy to handle drop and drag design.
Timelines are one of the few things that I would love to be able to create on this site, so I hope you find a way to implement them :)

I also would like to suggest to be able to edit the type of page one can add to a template? I'd really like to change up some link pages, since my story involves gods being leaders in their own politics and such, so changing character link pages to deities link pages would be super helpful. Would that be possible somehow?