forum Site-specific suggestions
Started by @Werevampiwolf

people_alt 262 followers


I'm sure this has already been brought up, but it would be great if you could give us the ability to make documents public. Collaborative writing would be a lot easier(a co-editing function!), plus it would be convenient for people to ask for critiques.

@Knight-Shives group

Suggestion- some people quote a lot. An idea for organization is that after it had been quoted many times It could look like this (But with the thing you quoted first)


Then you click the dots and it could expand. It would probably help with organization of the forums.

Deleted user

That's actually a really good idea!!
Alternatively we could also maybe put a limit on how many times the top thing is quoted before it vanishes in the next quote.
So say something is quoted. Then it's quoted again, and then again. (That's three quotes for the original comment.)
but on the 4th quote the original comment vanishes, and you're left with the one that came right after it.
And on the fifth quote the comment left on the top of the fourth quote disappears.
and so on.

@Knight-Shives group

Yeah, I thought it could go on as much as you want but maybe around the 4th or something the end would turn to dots. Just so if anyone ever saw it and wanted to read it they would have the first comment there also.

Deleted user

Yeah, except that when people quote stuff in a string the top comment becomes irrelevent around the 4th or 5th comment.

@Riorlyne pets

@"The Grammar Queen" You should get a notification whenever someone “@s” you as long as your username fits the new guidelines. To quote @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) :

In other to support usernames in URLs (and also to help fix some broken @-mention functionality on the forums), usernames now have a few restrictions on what they can contain:

Usernames are now limited to 40 characters max. These characters can be numbers, letters, or a few special characters (e.g. *, $, !, etc – the acceptable characters are on your profile edit page).

If you have an invalid username now, don't worry: you will not be forced to change it. Your username-based profile may not work and @-mentions may continue to not always work for you until you do change it. Whenever you'd like, you can change it to whatever you want as long as the new username fits the new username rules.

Deleted user

I just think we could do with a gray and violet alternate theme….
or possibly green and gray-blue…
or blue and gray…
(I would say black but that doesn't suit the site very well….)

Deleted user

Yeah I agree withnthat. I think a violet/gray would be really nice.

Deleted user

Freaks because people like the idea
Yeah, make it almost a cat grey, and have varying grays… and everything that's blue.. would be a violet shade…. and possibly blue accents??

Deleted user

Ye, and the colors at Worldbuilding (especially the yellow, goodness) could dim down a lot? It'd look really nice.

Deleted user

Maybe make it a darker theme…. just make everything a darker hue??
(I'm sorry if I sound rude or something but people…. even strangers… say I have good design instincts……)


Have another small sugestion, when we are refering characters, locations, races or other elements, during a character bio, a scene,… would be nice to just click in button of what type of element we are refering and write a part of the name to make the selection easier, just like when we are filling pages like in the social tab of the chars and linking the chars to each other, in there it is allowed to do that
And if possible some kind of shortcut that we write and the system recognize the type of element and then we write a part of the name and it helps filling the one we want with a list of the possible options we have (
for example:
Character- @C Mi (shows the various options MIKE, MICAELA… - we go up or down with the keyboard and just click the right one) - @C Mike
Location- @L Sacred Island
Race- @r Sand People

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

Yes, this would be very nice! Also, maybe, for the links to other pages, instead of having a grey bubble with the color text, just have regular link text, but the color of the element type? So, links to character pages would just look like a regular link, but the text would be red, links to races would have green text, etc. Maybe you could outline with black or something, for pages with lighter main colors?

Anyway, just a thought. It would fit into regular text better, so if your linking something in, say, the middle of a sentence, it would fit better, visually.


I think if the help menu was changed a little it would be a lot more convenient. I use the documents function a lot and find it really frustrating when one character's asking a question and the help menu pops up. Maybe something like truePT was saying and have the @ function(i.e. @? puts it up or something). Idk, it's just annoying and I'd like to see it fixed.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Great ideas, everyone. :)

With the latest release you can now @mention any of your worldbuilding pages from any page, including your documents, by just typing @ in a field. You can then start typing to filter down the list and press enter (or click) to select one. And the chips have been replaced with colored links closer to regular text styling to make them fit in better with the surrounding text.

I'll also get the ? help popup disabled when you're writing in the next release. Great suggestion. :)


I'm not sure if this is possible, but is there a way you could add some sort of "report comment" feature? After scrolling through the Bee Movie script at least a million times, I'm getting a bit sick of spam and would like to be able to do something about it.

Deleted user

I'm not sure if this is possible, but is there a way you could add some sort of "report comment" feature? After scrolling through the Bee Movie script at least a million times, I'm getting a bit sick of spam and would like to be able to do something about it.

Wait… someone posted the script to the Bee movie a million times?