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forum You guessed it- (4/4 Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

So. I'm bored.
And, well, I've gotten sucked into the world of Among Us- though I've yet to play. I desperately want to, but sadly am unable to as I don't have the money to pay for it, and can't exactly download it. Which definitely disappoints me.
So, because of this, I sort of want to a rp based off of it. Obviously a little more thrilling than just going around and doing tasks, though. As that would get dreadfully boring to write. I assume at least. So I'm thinking maybe it's a bunch of crew-mates bonding and spending time together.

It's gonna be long, and confusing, but I have a way to sort things out. If we want things to truly be more like the game, and keep it a secret, I can assign everyone rolls. I'd be the only one who knew who was what, and probably PM you if that was alright. Or we could just have everyone know, and go wild with that information.
We could do it more game-like, and after one side wins, or everyone is killed, we start again. With new killers. Or we could continually send people up to replace the killed crew-mates. We'll see what happens.

  • I'm thinking this will be a smaller group, just for the sake of no one left behind. But we'll see what happens.
  • Diversity is fine, y'all can make your characters however you want. We can ship, just talk to the other player.
  • Please, keep swearing down. I'm not prohibiting it, as it seems a little strict, but just be careful how much you use it.
  • No god-modding, of any kind. Including instant hits. I know it seems odd, but let the other player put up a fight if they please. (ALSO: Don't let your character 'get away' every time. That's not believable, considering these are most likely skilled killers. Let yourself lose.)
  • There's a very simple way to get out, if you don't want to be in the rp/ can't be. Let yourself get killed. Try not to drop it in the middle, if possible.
  • Be tolerable. Like, this is no place for you and people you don't like to argue. I mean, your characters can, just take the drama elsewhere. My life is already chaotic as is lol.

That's about it lol. If I think of anything else, I'll put it in an edit.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

((I know I said I'd wait, but I thought I'd put up a couple ideas. If anyone else has some, feel free to post them.))

  • Instead of crew-mates, we're all invited to this fancy house party. But a hurricane or some other kind of storm rolls in, and the guests are trapped there. Cliche, of course, considering there would be a murdered. Or we could go less violent. Maybe they just knock different people out, and they go missing. Just for the sake that maybe people aren't left out. They could pop in, and give different alibis about what happened before they got drugged.

  • We could go with the original game, and just change things up so it won't get boring. Space crew that gets locked in with an imposter/monster

  • This I thought could be interesting. There's a show I watched, which I won't name for spoiler's sake, got trapped inside a video game. They had amnesia and didn't remember they were in a video game. So when they make their way through the game, they have to complete tasks to escaped the place they were in. Maybe our characters group together, thinking they can trust each other, while two or so others are secretly there to take out the group members. Maybe this way we could each have two or three characters and let them get picked off. It depends how big the group gets though lol

  • If we want something very simple (though I doubt we'll do this) we could have our characters actually play the game :P (I know I haven't played, but I've watched enough videos I think I've got the basics down lol) and watch as friends divide. coughcoughmafiaunocoughcough


I like the "trapped in a video game" one a lot, personally. Though, the house party one does sound interesting(and hey, maybe there could be some kind of plot where the missing people have to escape from wherever they're being held or something).

@LittleRiver local_movies

(I really like all of those! The house party one is super cool, especially if it’s the killers house they were invited to and along the way, they kept finding sort of unsettling clues that throw off the atmosphere, but the killer just brushes it off. And then that could actually provide reason for there being a house party sort of setting, because the killer wanted to lure them in in the first place. I’m getting that one episode from Adventure Time vibes. But then that poses the question of: What about tasks? In order for this to work, people are going to need to split up. There aren’t exactly ‘tasks’ at house parties, although I love the idea of the killer just sort of luring people ‘out for a drink’ or ‘they want to show them something’)

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

I like the "trapped in a video game" one a lot, personally. Though, the house party one does sound interesting(and hey, maybe there could be some kind of plot where the missing people have to escape from wherever they're being held or something).

That could possibly be part of that. It would make for an interesting plot… maybe they actually were dead, but death offered them a second chance if they could get out of his game, considering they were cheated out of their life.

(I really like all of those! The house party one is super cool, especially if it’s the killers house they were invited to and along the way, they kept finding sort of unsettling clues that throw off the atmosphere, but the killer just brushes it off. And then that could actually provide reason for there being a house party sort of setting, because the killer wanted to lure them in in the first place. I’m getting that one episode from Adventure Time vibes. But then that poses the question of: What about tasks? In order for this to work, people are going to need to split up. There aren’t exactly ‘tasks’ at house parties, although I love the idea of the killer just sort of luring people ‘out for a drink’ or ‘they want to show them something’)

Oooh… I like that a lot. If anyone has any objections, just chime in. If not, we may just do that one…
And for the tasks, well… if it is a storm, maybe occasionally different things are needing done. Obviously not the oxygen, but the power could go out. Then in the dark, people split off to go find necessities. Idk, maybe…

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

We could always do a couple different 'rounds' if we want to do more than one idea, too. But that's really up to y'all.
Also, by this, I'm guessing our characters will be in their 20s, 30s, or older. Just because of the whole setting, and it's a party, and yeah you get the idea. Also, do we want to have a couple characters each? Or really just one? We could leave it up to the individual, too. I'd just say a limit of three characters.


Having a few characters sounds good to me, and I'll probably have my characters in their 20s or 30s, although I love like "kickass mom and her kid" and bc mini crewmate, if it's possible I'd like to maybe do something like that? If not then that's cool too

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Lol that's fine by me. The only thing I have to say is that you might traumatize the poor child- Otherwise, feel free to!
FRIEJDOWME- what if the killer had a kid, and… gosh my mind went dark, but they made friends with the other kid, and like totally tricked them into being their friend— and of course something terrible happens to the poor already traumatized bby…

@LittleRiver local_movies

As this goes on I find myself wanting to play the killer so bad—I’m not a psycho i swear I like the thought of the power going out and such and small tasks like that to break off! I’m all for this idea, honestly. I think multiple characters would be nice but also since there are so many people here already, it might be difficult to keep track of. Unless your characters, like, stick together the whole time. Depends, honestly.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

I'm a terrible human being, and I know it-
Lol, I'd be fine with that if no one else wants to be. And honestly, I'll believe you. After what I suggested, I think I'd probably be the psychopath ehe- It's the obvious things that get people killed off lol.
Mm, that's true. I could honestly close it, so then nobody else could join. I'm doubting anyone else will want to join anyone, considering that's it's been up for a couple hours. And a smaller group would be more reliable anyways :P