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forum Where my Jesus Freaks at?
Started by @just_gabs_needs_springtime group

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God has given me the ability to connect with people here on notebook! I've even had some opportunities to witness

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

I can't not share this, my dad's friend was near death from Covid and something else, idk what, but he was in a coma for a while and there were a few times the doctors were certain he was going to pass. He came home today!
God really is incredible.

@shining-just-for-you language


my pastor was on a missionary ship for a good chunk of his life, and somewhere in south africa they found a teenage boy about 15, wrapped in a threadbare blanket and with a hole in his side through which one of his intestines was poking out
they took him to the hospital and he made it! now he's the youth pastor for a small church there

@4lagoon4 group

(Oh man I can’t tell you how happy I was to see a chat like this. Oh my gosh) Can I just say how amazing God has been? And despite all the things that are happening this year which are trying to take me out, that I’m still standing? Still being here at the end of each day, reminded me that God’s hand is on my life and that he never let go. Amen!

@4lagoon4 group

Amen! “Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 You’ve got to remember that although a situation can knock you down that you’re NOT defeated. You CAN get back up again!

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Oh my gosh exactly. So many things have come around, kicking me while i'm down. But through it all He's been there even when i've accused Him of not being