forum Where my Jesus Freaks at?
Started by @just_gabs_needs_springtime group

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@4lagoon4 group

My friend and I talked about that too XD (And you’re right, it’s definitely not easy! 💀) But like you said you are getting better so it’s not impossible lol!

@4lagoon4 group

(Hmm I’m not really sure if I should share this or not, but I will anyway lol!)

I was just thinking about the funeral I went to today. We had a funeral for one of my pastors at church, and she was really cool. I didn’t really know her on a deep personal level like a lot of the people there but I knew her from those few moments I saw her on Sundays. She was loud, boisterous, witty, kind, and didn’t hesitate to let you know what she thought! 😂 She was a real virtuous woman haha. And she was! Her family talked about how she’d bring them to church so much so that it’d get on their nerves, and how you couldn’t go a few minutes into a conversation with her without her bringing up the Lord in it. XD She was a strong lady who’s faith never wavered and knew where her trust lied. She really was an awesome lady.

I just remember walking into the church late because I was trying to pray before I left– 💀

But I just remember walking into the church and preparing myself for whatever was going to happen (Because you know funerals emotional and you never know how some people will take it) and to my surprise…I felt nothing but peace. There was no anger, no dread in the atmosphere, no animosity, nothing…but total peace within that sanctuary. Of course the family was bereaved and wept because they lost a loved one, but you could truly tell those were tears of thanksgiving. They were thanking God for her life and all that she had done for them. And I started thanking him and crying with them also. What an amazing family Mrs. Isabell raised (my pastor’s name). You can tell what they said about her wasn't a lie, she taught them well and just like hers their faith and trust held strong. What miraculous family, I’m honestly rooting for them and can’t wait to see the plans God has for them to unfold!

@4lagoon4 group

Thank you Gabs, I honestly couldn’t tell you. For me I didn’t feel deep sorrow or anything like that, I just felt peace the entire time. It was something I never experienced before, it was really amazing, but also really strange haha 😅 (And thank you for your prayers for the family ❤️)

@4lagoon4 group

You know what? I didn’t really mention it, but did you know that it snowed for the first time where I am, out of the ENTIRE year on Mrs. Isabell’s funeral? I was just thinking about that, and I couldn’t help but think about what Jesus said in Isaiah 1:18!
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

@4lagoon4 group

(I was confused why their profile pic was a picture of a stove with the Star of David on it but then I looked at the username- 😭 )