@thecasual_hooman drive_eta
Hi! This is open for anyone who is looking for a roleplay I don't necessarily at the moment have any preferences on what this is except the fact that its like every character has found their way to Wonderland somehow I don't care how it could be in the most chaotic way ever if you truly wanted it to I don't care of mind anything, I will have a template you can use or you can create your own whichever you would like last thing feel free to make it as fictional as you want
My character
Name: Alice Cheshire
Nickname(?): Alice
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Race: Human/Cheshire Cat
Appearance: Alice is a very lovely, pretty, and beautiful woman. She usually wears a childish blue Victorian dress and a white pinafore apron. She also wears white tights with Mary Jane Shoes.
Skin tone: ghostly pale
Height: 5'4
Weight: 101 lb
Eye color: her left eye is a striking icy blue and her right is a calming green
Hair color: shoulder-length blonde and deep purple
Hairstyle: loose, soft, and messy
Background: many years after Alice's encounter with Wonderland and having kids of her own one of which she ends up giving away for research because she was born looking strange while at the lab multiple scientists used her for more than a project much worse and after 17 years of being tested she was released into the world.
Now for the Template, you can use if you would like you can make your own or change it if you want
Skin tone:
Eye color:
Hair color: