forum Welcome to wonderland (open to all)
Started by @thecasual_hooman drive_eta

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"yeah….nice to meet you as well" her gaze did not leave alice as she didn't know if they could be trusted and she wondered why alice had changed their tone when talking to both her and paku then when she was talking with that mouse person but then again she didn't know what happened before hand


"so what brings you to Wonderland Alice, I never saw you before". he said with a serious tone thinking to himself I know almost everyone in Wonderland so, strangely, I don't know her.


"let me ask you something alice…how do you know my name are you some stalker…and what is this place…" she glared at her as she didn't trust alice at all


"what do you mean you had a feeling…" she sighed and looked away from her "can you tell me where I am and how to leave this hell hole…"