forum Welcome to Suncrest Academy // Closed
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

Y’all know what time it is,,,, time for Ame to make bad choices!

”Welcome to Suncrest Academy, the best boarding school in the district!”

Your character is enrolled in Suncrest Academy, one of the best boarding schools in their area. They could have transferred from another school, or have been homeschooled until that point. Or they’ve been enrolled for a while. Your choice! The school is for grades 6th-12th. (Though I’d prefer if characters were high school age.)

”We make sure that you feel right at home here. After all, you’ll be living on campus for the school year.”

The truth is, like most schools, they don’t do much to make students feel safe or welcomed, other than a few nice teachers. Bullying is a big problem, and living on campus just makes it harder to escape from.

”We’ve had quite a few new students this year, be sure to give them a warm welcome.”

Daphne was homeschooled for most of her life. She was always kept in her house, not really seeing much of the outside world. She wasn’t even homeschooled by her own parents, though that wasn’t actually that bad.

But it was certainly nice to hear that she would be going to Suncrest the next year. She’d finally get out of that house for a while, and maybe meet some people her own age that didn’t hate her.

The poor girl had no idea how toxic high school really was, even at Suncrest.

It was her first day of ninth grade and nobody had talked to her, or even looked at her. She got weird looks when she tried to say hello to anyone. And now she’s sitting in an auditorium, around a bunch of unfamiliar faces in an unfamiliar place. But at least they didn’t hate her. Maybe.

”…be sure to give them a warm welcome.”

Resh had heard this speech a million times before. School conduct, dress code, “we’re the best school ever!” and everything in between. He’s been a student since sixth grade, after all.

He’s not the best in his class by any means, but he does at least try. Somewhat. He gets along with most of his teachers regardless, though.

It’s easy. Just be respectful, and if they’re still an asshole, be one back.

He feels a bit sympathetic as he watches the new kids. A lot of freshman kids go into high school expecting it to be fun. He made the same mistake, too. But he didn’t really have much going for him, anyway. Albinism. Autism. For God’s sake, he was on the track team.

Long story short, high school is toxic as fuck. And he definitely learned that the hard way.

So basically, high school au of your character(s) of choice. My characters are altered versions of Resh and Daphne (obviously). I just made them into humans, lol.

No idea what I’m gonna do with the teachers. I might just play most of them since classes won’t be the main focus here.


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.

  • please, please be decently active. I want this to last.

  • let’s keep it pg-13, I’m a minor among many others here.

  • cursing of any kind is fine, just no slurs. if you use any slurs I’m going to throw you out into the next continent over, I don’t care how much of an asshole your character is.

  • on that note, your character can be an asshole, but you can’t. be respectful and kind out of character.

  • 1-2 characters allowed, anything over that is excessive due to the current lack of a player limit.

  • original characters and characters from fandoms are both allowed.

  • 2-3 sentence minimum. no one-liners, please. again, I want this to last.

  • please have the ability to use punctuation and capitalization.

  • if I give you a character template, don’t send a notebook page. you can edit the template slightly and I’m not requiring a lot of detail. plus, it isn’t fair to those of us using templates.

  • do not assume anything about your environment unless it’s already been established. you are not the narrator.

  • if I’m not familiar with your style, I’ll ask for a sample.

  • ask to join, and keep in mind that I reserve the right to say no. usually, it’s not about you. if our writing styles clash, I won’t want to roleplay with you. please don’t take it personally.

Character Template:

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone:
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc):
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Body type:
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional):


Basic personality:
Background (optional):
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:

My Characters:

Basic Info

Name: Daphne Allen
Nicknames (if any): Daph
Age: 16
Grade: 9 (She was a bit behind in homeschooling.)
Gender and pronouns: female, she/her


Skin tone: dark brown
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): an abundance of freckles, along with a few scars that she keeps hidden with her long sleeves. No one knows the origin of these scars, and she’s very evasive about it.
Height: 5’6
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye color: deep brown
Hair color: black
Hair style: Afro tied back into a messy puff
Body type: very skinny, she almost looks underfed.
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional): very soft and quiet, almost as if she’s afraid of speaking.


Basic personality: Daphne is very quiet, and usually wishes to avoid confrontation. She’s fairly skittish, and apologizes for almost everything. Once she gets to trust someone, she’s very sarcastic, often making dark jokes at her own expense. She’s highly emotional, but she hides her feelings as much as she can. She may seem cold and disconnected from reality at first glance, sometimes even a bit rude.
Sexuality: lesbian
Background (optional): nah.
Physical conditions: none.
Mental conditions: anxiety, C-PTSD
Other: This is kind of an alternate version of Daphne. This is also in a slightly different timeline than I normally play her in, soooooo-

Basic Info

Name: Resh Corvus
Nicknames (if any): Crow
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Gender and pronouns: Male, he/him


Skin tone: pale white
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): a few scars here and there from just being an idiot.
Height: 6’10
Weight: 225 lbs
Eye color: pale red
Hair color: white
Hair style: shoulder length, pulled into a messy ponytail
Body type: skinny, but not underweight. Built like a runner.
Usual outfit (optional): usually just a t-shirt, basketball shorts, and sneakers. Maybe jeans if he’s feeling fancy
Face claim (optional): nah
Voice (optional): n a h


Basic personality: Resh is…. your typical high school boy. Loud, energetic, and overall very chaotic. The only difference is, he’s actually really nice. He’ll help new students (cough he adopts the entire freshman class cough) and he’s a good listener if you need to rant or just. Talk to someone. He’s socially awkward and awkwardly social at the same time.
Sexuality: Pansexual, no preference
Background (optional): I never fill this out
Physical conditions: albinism
Mental conditions: autism, depression but he’s coping well.
Other: he’s the captain of the track team. Lame I know /hj

Have fun idiots! ❤️

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Basic Info

Name: Kody Tsethlekai Stryker
Nicknames (if any): Tseth, emo bitch, raccoon eyes.
Age: 17/18
Grade: 12th, Senior. Enrolled about midway through the last school year and only has a vague memory of everyone who was there.
Gender and pronouns: Male, He/Him (maybe) (what) (gender is fake)


Skin tone: Light
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Random little scars from doing stupid shit and getting into fights, otherwise he’s fine :)
Height: 6’5”/6’6”
Weight: Between 200 and 230
Eye color: Light blue
Hair color: Blond
Hair style: Undercut and the rest of his hair is either styled and slicked back or loose and slightly wavy. Usually a couple stray stands of hair that fall into his face. (Here is a kinda-reference for the styled haircut: credits in the pic to the picrew artist)
Body type: Athletic and muscular, but surprisingly androgynous especially in his face. (Face reference may not be entirely accurate.)
Usual outfit (optional): Try “emo” and go from there. Several ear piercings on each ear, and there’s a 99% chance that he has makeup on. That look always includes smudged black eyeliner/eyeshadow. Hence the nickname “raccoon eyes.”
Face claim (optional): (Ignore the hair and jewelry,)
Voice (optional): Normally I would say Anton Ivanov from Agents of Shield. (Russian accent if you don’t wanna bother looking it up)


Basic personality: Talkative, energetic, generally pretty happy which slightly contradicts his looks. But despite that, he often gets into fights with other people which leaves him having some sort of injury most of the time. At any chance he gets he’ll either skip class or sneak off campus because, and I quote, “It gets boring quick.” And let’s not forget his occasional flirting with almost anyone. English is his second language and he didn't fully pay attention to everything, so his writing and typing skills with it aren't great.
Sexuality: Pansexual disaster
Background (optional): Nope :D
Physical conditions: None?
Mental conditions: ADHD babeyyy-
Other: What happens when you mix the “goth” and “jock” highschool cliques? This guy probably-

Basic Info

Name: Aelin Stryker
Nicknames (if any): None.
Age: 16/17
Grade: 11th. Enrolled the same time as Tseth (because siblings).
Gender and pronouns: Female, She/Her


Skin tone: Dark
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): None(?)
Height: 5’9”-5’10”
Weight: Between 140 and 160
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Box braids
Body type: Slight hourglass silhouette. Is surprisingly strong as well.
Usual outfit (optional): Black cargo pants paired with either a white shirt or a colorfully patterned shirt.
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional): Idk lady with a Russian accent


Basic personality: Impulsive, forward, teasing, not afraid to speak her mind, etc. Usually, though, she’s very chill and easy to be around. Very creative and takes and interest in the arts with a particular preference to the world of fashion designing.
Sexuality: Gay as fuck.
Background (optional): No thank you.
Physical conditions: None (I think)
Mental conditions: ADHD (again)
Other: Bear with me please. I only have a vague idea of how to roleplay her.

Deleted user

(Can I have a sample?)

Sure. Never done this before, so do you just want a random excerpt from a random thing I've written, or what exactly?

Deleted user

(Just any writing sample you can find, just make sure it accurately reflects your rp style)

(Here you go, this should work)
'Hex waves hello to a small squirrel sniffing around the dirt. He holds out a hand and it sniffs tentatively, but scurries away as a larger figure approaches. "Hex, focus!" Raiki runs up to Hex with an exasperated expression on his face. "C'mon, leave the squirrels be, they need to focus to survive as much as you do." Hex sighs and stands back up. "Okay….. uh… did you get… whatever we needed?" Raiki nods. "Yep, we've got some food now, so long as you don't have anything against burritos for the next while." Hex nods quietly and yawns. "Time to go again?" "Yep, we can't linger too long…. try to stay focused this time!" Hex nods, and they walk away from the demolished gas station, Raiki warily looking around, and Hex staring peacefully up at the clouds.'

Deleted user

Basic Info

Name: Carey
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
Gender and pronouns: Female, She/her


Skin tone: Light Brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown, Dyed light blue at the tips
Hair style: Wears it mostly long, sometimes in a ponytail(cuz it gets in her face when she has to dash halfway across the building
Body type: medium height, surprisingly capable of speedy running, leanish


Basic personality: hyperactive nerves, anxiety, and more anxiety! Very nervous, mostly in social situations, and often rambles due that hyperactive anxiety
Background (optional): Went to the school starting in the 9th grade, and has since learned pretty well how to avoid trouble from others
Mental conditions: Adhd probably

Basic Info

Name: Sal
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
Gender and pronouns: Male, He/him


Skin tone: White
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye color: Gray
Hair color: Light Brown
Hairstyle: Short
Body type: tall, lean, slightly muscled


Basic personality: A very calm collected guy, and a sort of calming influence for Carey. Doesn't tend to get over emotional about stuff
Sexuality: No idea whatsoever! To Be determined!
Background (optional): Met Carey when she first came into the school, and helped her get the hang of things.
Physical conditions: N/A
Mental conditions:N/A