forum Welcome to chaos, everyone 3: Tokyo Drift // CLOSED
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

What up losers

@whathappensifidothis @im-with-stoopid

Resh: He looks down at the candle, then back up at Alex. “Oh- species thing. We can make candles from seemingly nothing. Lots of biological shit and magical shit, it’s a really long explanation.” He pauses for a moment. “…Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it’s the best one I’ve got.” He shrugs, then reaches over and uses the candle to light the fire. It seems surprisingly easy.

Rhiv: he keeps his guard up, his entire body tense. now he's hearing… voices? they're low and faint. it's hard to tell whether they're close and quiet or loud and distant. shit, shit, shit. could he really hold his own in a solo fight? it's only been… seventeen seasons? yikes.

Alex: He shrugs. “Plenty of biological and magical shit with the skykids in our world. Mostly magical. Guess it would make sense.” And they creep me out, for another thing. They’re nothing like Resh and Juni.
He stands back up and grabs several long sticks from the pile, sitting back down and taking out a knife. He stares at an engraving on it for a second before taking one of the sticks and starting to whittle down the end.

Tseth: He looks at Juni and Salmook for a moment before speaking up. “I’ll just start walking ahead. Get there faster and I can check if there’s any danger.”

Juni: She looks over at Tseth and nods. “Sounds good to me.”

@im-with-stoopid pets

Salmook: he blinks at that. danger? in the forest? oh yeah… cultists. he'd forgotten about them. in Salmook's defense, he was hiding during the first attack, and he wasn't even there during the second. "Oh… okay." he's not exactly thrilled about Tseth leaving them, even if it'll only be for a bit. has Juni fought anything either..? Salmook can't remember.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh: He looks over at Ater and tilts his head. “The fire looks cool, doesn’t it?” His voice has a slightly higher pitch when he talks to Ater, but it’s hardly noticeable. He smiles a bit, then looks back over at the fire.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Salmook: he looks around nervously - he hates this. it's not that he doesn't like Juni, it's that he knows more about dirt than he does about her. the forest is a lot more worrying once your big fighter friends are away. "Um… we still follow him, right?"

Rhiv: alright, alright, maybe it was a bad idea to stand up against a very much unknown threat. a threat that hasn't appeared yet and potentially doesn't even know that Rhiv is even here. he grunts and tucks his hatchet back into his belt halfway, still at the ready should he need it, but out of sight. he takes a deep breath, and he heads into the treeline and towards the noise.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ater: He looks over at Resh and makes a small “mrrr” sound.

Alex: He’s extremely lost in thought as he sharpens the ends of the sticks. He was mostly worrying about Tseth. He knew how he felt about water. And he would be around two partly-strangers as well. He should have gone with them. And he gets just a bit too lost in thought, and cuts himself on accident with the knife.Ow- damn it.”

@im-with-stoopid pets

Salmook: great. the sooner they catch up with Tseth, the better. Salmook hurries after him, gesturing for Juni to keep pace. "Rather be- out of breath and safe- than… y'know, right?"

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth: He can hear Salmook trying to catch up with him. Great. He speeds up a bit more. The river was very close, so hopefully he’d be able to wash off the blood from his hands before Salmook caught up.

Alex: He puts down the knife and pulls out a cloth from one of his pockets. He puts pressure on the cut with it and sighs to himself.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Juni: She speeds up after Salmook. “Salmook, wait-“ Urgh.

Resh: He looks over at Alex, then looks at Ater. He holds out his hand to the cat again. He looks back at Alex. “You good?”

@im-with-stoopid pets

Salmook: wow. Tseth is fast. he stops to catch his breath on a log, making space for Juni to do the same. "Okay… maybe… running- phew -so much after… just catching my breath..? Bad idea." he leans in the direction Tseth left in. "He's… wow… he's so fast. What now?"

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth: He barely slows down when he breaks the tree line. That is, until he sees Rhiv standing on the riverbank. He pretty much stops in his tracks when he sees him. “Oh. You’re here.” He barely gives Rhiv a chance to respond before he moves away and a bit further down the bank. He was still keeping a good distance from the river itself.

Ater: He hesitates for a few moments before butting his head against Resh’s hand.

Alex: He looks up at Resh. “Oh- yeah. Wasn’t paying close enough attention and cut my finger.” Great.