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forum The Safety Of The Galaxy // 0/0 // Open!!
Started by @gracehustle

people_alt 55 followers


When their planet was on the verge of destruction, there was only enough room for so many Ovio's on each ship. Character A is one of the last nineteen of their kind to leave the planet. Centuries later, they land on earth in a freak landing. Each one of the nineteen pods on the ship is thrown to various corners of the world, and almost instantly governments are trying to get their hands on these creatures. These creatures are friends and companions of Character A, and they are determined to save their friends. If only they had some help from one of the local species…

Hi, y'all it's your friendly exhausted rper! I'm looking for an RP (Obviously) about an alien and a human :) I'm looking to play the alien, and I'm searching for someone willing to play the human! This rp will contain a fair amount of adventure, possible blood, gore and if it happens, some smut.

I will be posting more about the Ovio race if someone shows interest in this

-andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
-LGBTQ+ is accepted to the max
-please have decent grammar and punctuation
-I'm looking for someone who can consistently reply about a paragraph or three sentences
-Please ask before joining, and beware that I may ask for a writing sample
-If at all possible I want this to be a long lasting rp, so if you join be prepared for that, and if you have to drop it, please let me know
-uhhhh, swearing is perfectly fine
-be prepared for violence and action, and romance if we decide on that. Smut is optional
-I will most likely add more to this list so be prepared

@CasiCasino group

(Of course! Uh… this one would do I think. If you want something else, please tell me!)

After a long night of gathering his things, Anthony was finally moving in to a new place. An apartment which was closer to the city’s center than the one he was in before. He was excited, to say the very least. Once he got the keys, he let out a huff of air as he took his excessive belongings up with him to the room. Seeing that the room was already unlocked, he assumed that his roommate was already inside.

After he opened the door, he walked in excitedly and went to see who his roommate was.
“Good morning roomm—“ To say he was shocked to find Remi on the couch would have been a huge understatement. He felt his mind and heart sank to his feet as everything he held in and on his hands fell to the floor before he stepped back.
“You’ve… got to be kidding me…” He managed to breathe out.


(lol don’t worry about it, im in CTZ but I’m on pretty much all day, also sorry it’s taking so long for the info.. here’s the template while you wait :) feel free to add anything I missed )


@CasiCasino group

(Ah! Sorry for taking so long ;-; Also, please tell me if this is alright.)

Name: Adam Cirrus

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Adam has a well-built body filled with agility and mobility. He stands at 6’2 with straight and short brown hair alongside sharp brown eyes. His skin is reminiscent of a slightly tanned light tone. His build, although more on the slim side, is one with some muscles.

Clothing: His work outfit is represented below but his usual clothes at home are a white buttoned shirt or a soft and fluffy hoodie with shorts. If he’s going outside, it’s usual a case of him wearing a zipped jacket with tight or ripped jeans.

Personality: Adam is a relatively nice guy. He’s passionate, multi-talented, a fun person, and serious when he needs to be. He’s talkative and is the kind of person who will only stop talking when he feels uncomfortable, otherwise there’s no way to stop him from talking. His colleagues would call him a ‘hungry parrot’ because of how much he talks.

Likes: Gunning, Cooking, Guitar Playing, Listening to Stories, Talking to Other People, Traveling, Puzzles

Dislikes: Hot Weather, Uncomfortable Clothes, Dirty and Damp Places, Alcohol & Drinking

Background: He comes from a relatively neutral family; not rich nor poor. However, as he’s been quite productive and great that his work, he’s managed to get himself quite a good budget. He was also the single child of his family, hence his clinginess towards other people.

Other: Adam works as both a police patrol group and a special gunners group. He has a keen eye when it comes to shooting and he likes his job a lot (surprisingly).


(He's amazing!!!!! Here's the info about the Ovio's :) Also, quick question, would you prefer this to be platonic or romantic? )
The Ovio race is a peaceful race that loves knowledge. Throughout the galaxy, they try to collect as much history as they can, any races they find, any history, anything. They originate from a small planet several lightyears away, Balion (Ba-leon is the correct pronunciation, yes like a sheeps baa.) The Ovio's adored their planet, and did everything in their power to keep their home, but asteroids don't like to be stopped, and fleeing was their only option.

Besides their thirst for knowledge, the Ovio's had a complex society and due to eons of natural selection for jobs, some evolved powers such as strength, shapeshifting, and increased memory. I will have my character talk more about this if ever asked :D


Name: Suhi (Ovio name) and Allie (Human name)
Age: In human years she looks to be about 21, but is closer to 151
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: This is Suhi (I can describe her if the link doesn't work) She's about 6' to the millimeter, but with her horns she reaches about 6'5". Besides her long tail and clear nonhumanness, she also has writing down her entire spine, written in a language that is very much not from earth, and has what looks like a branding on her right shoulder blade. The branding looks quite similar to an oak tree in shape, to describe it easily.
Clothing: Anything she finds that she likes, but will start off the rp wearing a baggy pair of men's pants that are much too big and an equally massive men's sweatshirt as well as flip flops
Personality: Quiet and observant most of the time, but will ask more questions than anyone if she's interested in something. Earth is a fairly new planet that they started observing, and so she is willing to listen to anyone to learn more. Clings to the people she knows and will follow them unless given strict instructions not to as well as will do just about anything to keep them safe. Likes to follow rules and learns things incredibly fast.
Likes: Learning, telling and hearing stories, reading, exploring. Anything that see can do to learn more
Dislikes: Underground (Claustrophobic) and having to sit still for long periods of time
Background: Will reveal in rp
Other: Has shapeshifting powers, though doesn't have much control over them


Suhi had been on Earth for three so called 'days' now. And yet she was still lost. She had abandoned her pod two days ago, taking everything she could with her, which wasn't much. A singular piece of the communications device, and herself. And now she was just down to herself. Earth wasn't terrifying like she had imagined it, and already she had come across humans in her nighttime wanderings. One that talked to her between what he called buildings, even gave her human clothes as he talked about everything he knew, like how the space landing -whatever that was- was a lie.
That had been a day ago, and this time as she crept around in the darkness, she was slightly less afraid of looking out of place. The human man had told her that her costume was cool, and though she had no clue what that was, it made her more confident. Instead of sticking to the 'alleys' she now walked on the 'sidewalks', looking for more humans to talk to. Maybe one of them could even help her find her friends.

@CasiCasino group

The undercover officer was walking down the sidewalks, looking around for potential threats and suspects. He was ordered from his team leader to look for anyone to seemed suspicious enough to have been the thief from this morning’s robbery. From what he’d heard, the man in suspicion should be somewhere around six feet tall with baggy clothes and dirty facial features. Eventually, though, something else caught his eye. The female who was walking down the street, heading the way he came from, she looked… weird? He didn’t know how to put it but she didn’t look exactly human-like despite her humanoid figure. He thought that maybe she was just one of those cosplayers but he really wanted to know. At this time, the streets weren’t exactly busy yet so he decided to give her a smile when she neared.
“Good morning,” he spoke, smiling softly at her with a small nod.


Suhi's horns were very much visible, but she could pass as a human in a costume easily, especially if someone didn't look close. To say the least, she was quite excited to see another human though, one that even had started talking. He seemed nice, and he was tall, both of which were things she liked already. They reminded her of her kind, no matter how human this male clearly was.

"Good morning," She replied easily, wracking her mind for whatever human languages she knew. 'Good morning' was a phrase she remembered studying, and from what she remembered, it was a greeting. This human wanted to talk to her supposedly.

All she hoped now was that he had understood what she had said, and that she had said the right thing.

@CasiCasino group

Already, he knew that she wasn’t quite a local. Perhaps a foreign, judging from the slightest of accent he was able to get from her greetings. He smiled and was clearly interested in talking to her. He moved to the side of the road, avoiding hitting people if they were to pass by.

“Apologies miss, but have you seen a man around my height with dirty facial features and a messy overall look?” He asked casually, not wanting it to come out as him trying to get an actual answer from her.


She stepped to the side as he did, almost mirroring his movement to make sure she didn't mess up, generally curious about the human male in front of her. Suhi shook her head at his question, thinking back to her friend from the alley, "I do not think so. I only met one male that was about my height. Why do you ask?" Her head tipped to the side in question, hoping that she was replying in normal human ways.

Suhi mirrored his smile, staying silent as she watched him. He was interesting, and seemed nice, like the man from the alley who had let her borrow her current clothing. This male seemed more curious, and less talkative.