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forum So I wrote something and I loved it so putting it here because like why not
Started by @murphysgirl

people_alt 54 followers

@tomat brightness_7

I love this chaos. I love your style. It's quick, eerie, disturbing… I'm out of words. You have great talent, my friend. About the title, I'd name this story after the water you described. Maybe "River" or "Sea", or even "She". Or just "Water". I especially like this part - "(…) drowning in a cold black sea of empty stars?". It's so poetic, and it hits my feelings just right. If you have more stories like this, I'd be glad to read them.


Ah ty - this was actually based off of, like, well, I was at my cousin's house, and they have this stream right behind their house with a little swing, and I just swung on it for like 15 minutes or so (Asperger's go yee) and this story came to me. I don't have any more stories with this stream-of-consciousness vibe - wait. I actually have one, but it's like two paragraphs long. I wrote it on the day I got in my first car crash and my fiancé came over and we played Uno so like -

My room is a mess. Copic markers and cards on the floor, Big Boggle is out, Jeopardy is out too. Too lazy to get out Monopoly, maybe we’ll play it later? Distractions, distractions from pain. My head hurts, my neck’s stiff. Thud, bang, gear change? No. Car accident. Eyes shut, smoke, don’t think about that.
Think about the game, eye the cards fanned in his hand and count how many it will take for him to get to Uno. Calculate moves. Reverse? If you play a wild, don’t say yellow. Why’d you say yellow? I don’t have any. Girls’ Camp, Melia, lellow, laughing in a cabin, icy orange bars of frozen sweetness, being loved, signs hanging from the bunk beds. Writing letters to you.
There must be a blank look on my face. I’m fine! Smile, straighten. I’m all right, my head hurts, memories. Yeah, I’m sure. I was thinking about - reminiscing. That smile’s adorable, I’ll melt into the carpet. Don’t smile. You smiled. I’m liquid.
Arms and hands and fingers, the carpet is rough but I don’t mind, the jangling of the bells on the Santa hat is too loud, too loud. Why do I have a Santa hat? Oh, I don’t know, maybe because it’s Christmas? Here, you wear it, you’ll look cute. No, it’s too loud, never mind. You know, maybe if you kiss me, my head won’t hurt and my heart won’t feel empty. Yes, like that. Just hold me here for a minute while the snow falls and I heal. Tomorrow is coming, I love you, just hold me.


Ok I gotta say, I stumbled over this thread by complete accident, and I took the chance of reading the document, and I absolutely love it. You have so much talent, this is unlike anything I've ever read, it's beautiful and just amazing :D If you ever write anything else like this I'd love to read it, I really truly like this style