forum So I created a magic system but now I'm not really sure what to do with it lol
Started by @TheWholeShebang group

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@TheWholeShebang group

So yeah, like the title says, I came up with this really fun idea for a magic system, but I have no universe to insert it into. I'm having some trouble coming up with ideas as this isn't my typical worldbuilding process. I usually start out with vague concepts and the general tone of the world before creating the specifics; I'm not used to working backward from a specific element.
I won't explain the whole system in detail, but it's called stringing and, in simplest terms, it allows someone to manipulate their environment and create magic by interacting with the threads that make up reality. It's based on the idea that a creator god wove the Tapestry of Creation into existence with magical threads, and by accessing them mortals can alter the Tapestry and therefore reality. If you have any questions about the system or ideas about where I could go from here worldbuilding-wise I'd love to hear them!!

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

this is a quite intriguing concept, i do have some questions, like; can people see the threads, or is it more like sensing it around them? can animals move threads, or at least sense it/sense in motion? and what's the limit to this power over reality itself, is weaving time and space, and similar, possible?

@TheWholeShebang group

People can see parts of the threads if they are accessing them at the moment, but other than that they are invisible. The threads can also be removed and sewed into objects to infuse them with magic, but that process is time-consuming and delicate. Animals can't access the threads because it takes a higher level of intelligence. Stringing has multiple uses including shaping the four elements, creating illusions, and infusing objects with magic, but it takes an extreme amount of focus and physical strength. There's only so much one person can do.