Ougoku Rp
Started by

Yes 😈

You have interesting intentions this time, huh?

Yes >:3

Do you wanna start, then?


Ah, alright! I can just set up them meeting, if that's okay.


It was a regular spring day, warm, sunny, and with a nice, slight breeze. It was truly a good day to be outside, and Gonta took advantage of that. He enjoyed sitting outside on days like that and simply relaxing or trying to befriend insects like he always would. Things like those made him happy, and that day was no exception. While most people considered him strange, which left him alone, he seemed to be happy nonetheless as he sat outside.

Kokichi had been sitting in a tree, a person he knew as gonta was under him. Soon the branch started to break “ ah! Catch me!” he yelled

Gonta immediately jumped up and rushed towards the screams. While he wasn't sure what was going on, he knew that someone was in danger and needed help, so he was going to help them. It would be rude of him not to, and he enjoyed helping others to begin with. He stood underneath the tree with the breaking branch and prepared himself to catch Kokichi.
"Gonta will catch you, okay?" he asked softly, prepared to help the other.

Kokichi jumped at the last moment, the tree disorienting his jump as he missed the willing savior

As Kokichi fell quickly, Gonta had no time to react to the change in direction. He hadn't expected Kokichi to land on the ground, but he was concerned the moment that the other did. He had jumped from pretty high up, so there was a chance that he had injured himself. He had to make sure that something like that wasn't the case.
"You okay?" he asked softly as he offered his hand to help Kokichi up. "You're not injured, right?"

(boop :) )

“I.. I think I broke my leg…” he whimpered

Gonta nodded and picked Kokichi up. He was a bit concerned upon hearing the statement. "Let's get you to the hospital…"

“Ah! Ah! Easy! My leg!” Kokichi yelped

"Sorry!" Gonta exclaimed, not wanting to cause Kokichi any more pain. "Are you okay?"

“No gonta, it hurts, really bad!”

"Okay, okay…" Gonta sighed softly. "Gonta will get you to a hospital, okay?"

“Okay..” kokichi said, nestling into the other

Gonta fell into silence after that. He seemed to be completely focused on getting Kokichi to the hospital, so much so that nothing could distract him. A couple of the others asked him about what he was doing, but he never responded. He didn't even stop running until he reached the hospital with Kokichi.

Kokochi would whimper softly, his leg trembeling

Gonta was concerned about Kokichi, and it showed. He hoped that the other would be okay, but he truly didn't know. He would just have to wait and see what the doctors would say after checking Kokichi out.

Once the doctors checked him out, they put a cast onto his leg to stabilize the break
Soon he was let out, hobbling on crutches