@Mojack group
”Won’t you let me in?”
Genres: horror, sci-fi.
subgenres: body horror, monster
It’s been less than one year, and yet, it feels like forever. Less than one year since..well, it doesn’t have an official name, really. Less than one year since the Shutdown.
The Shutdown was a catastrophe taking place on the colony Selnugawa, ’Selnu’ for short. Selnu was a mining colony, it was just another planet for humans to strip of its resources. As long as everything went to plan, Selnu would be emptied out within a few centuries, and humans could put their resources elsewhere.
That didn’t happen - clearly, as noted by you being locked in the shelter.
When the Shutdown happened, it knocked down all communications- or most, as you’re led to believe. Who knows. Maybe someone managed to contact help before the Shutdown happened.
but as far as you know, you’re alone. no one is coming to Selnu to help.
You weren’t always alone, in the shelter. But those numbers dwindled quite fast. There were three others in your specific shelter. The first two went out to figure out things, find out what’s going on, reach the radio tower located to the North. The other went out about a week later, in attempt to find them. That all happened about a month back. Would it even do anything if you went out searching for them as well?
Selnu never had a big population. 6000 people, tops. There’s gotta be other survivors, right?
No one knows what caused the Shutdown. Maybe it was a solar flare, but something reeks - literally. You swear you can smell something from beyond the bunker doors, despite them being sealed shut. Throughout this entire ordeal, you’ve never set foot out there once - only tended to the station inside.
Tending to the station means keeping it alive - or as alive as one person possibly could. Whatever isn’t shutdown is your focus now. The oxygen and heating - those are definitely of your focus. The lighting - in order to save power, you only keep what you need online.
While the Shutdown did a lot, at least it didn’t harm your station’s backup generator.
but if it goes down, you’re going to need to suit up and power it back up again.
Food, since you’re one person - as long as storage remains good, you should be fine. The meat is synthetic and easy enough to produce, and there’s an indoor farm in the facility. As long as you continue to maintain the farm, that’ll be good.
Every now and then, check the radio. You’re pretty sure all of Selnu’s satellites are dead: meaning you probably won’t be able to contact off-planet resources. But you can contact other stations, assuming their radios are fine and dandy too. Thing is, you haven’t received any calls, for the seven months that you’ve been down here. Weird.
Also, the doors. You’ve still gotta maintain the exits to the bunker. The big doors are easy enough - make sure they’re completely sealed. But there’s also an entrance that’s a pain to get to. It’s a bit lower, in the basement of the bunker. Only a smaller human could fit through there, you reckon. At the least, it’d be a tight squeeze, and you’d probably have to crawl through there if needed.
There’s also an exit that leads to the vehicle garage. And maybe you could take one of the vehicles and dive off. But the thing is, there aren’t any trucks left in there. So that’s out of the question.
It’s been a lonesome seven months in the bunker. No doubt that its been mentally draining, especially since the last other person of the bunker left about a month ago, and they haven’t returned. None of them have.
Sometimes, you peek at the surveillance systems, seeing which cameras are still up and running, checking if maybe, anyone’s still outside and has news of what’s going on.
with each passing day things get harder. but you have no idea how hard things are going to get. it’ll make what’s going on now a walk in the park, all I’ll say.
Sci-fi/horror RP taking place on a mining colony. Your character was one of those on the colony. Whether they were a miner, a scientist of some sorts, a technician/engineer, doctor, etc, is up to you. If you want any overviews on what different jobs were on Selnu, just give me specifics and I’ll describe them to you.
After some sort of disaster taking place on Selnu, your character has been left alone, singlehandedly maintaining a bunker by themselves. Three others used to be in the bunker with you, but all left about a month prior to the beginning of the RP. If you want to, give them names/personalities/appearances - I’m leaving that up to whoever joins the RP, since they would have more of an affect on your character.
You’ve been in the bunker for around seven months.
The current year is 2203.
Aliens have been discovered - but only in the form of bacteria and microscopic life. Other than that, nothing else has been found..yet.
Details about Selnu:
- very rocky planet. Despite that, there aren’t very steep or high mountains on Selnu. Just sharp, jagged rocks - terrain a pain to walk on. Vehicles on Selnu were made with the purpose to cross its terrain with ease.
- the planet orbits two stars, known as Bruys and Crual.
- water is present on the planet, primarily underground but can be found at lower points of the land. Water should be purified before consuming.
- Selnu is a mostly lifeless planet, save for small bacteria. At least, that’s what’s been observed…
- the weather on Selnu is mostly calm, however the climate is very cold, temperatures often staying near the lower level. It’s also a bit humid. Occasionally, large, vicious storms occur. Find shelter when they happen.
- the sky of Selnu is often clouded, and rarely ever clear.
- Selnu has several cave systems, most of which are unexplored.
- Selnu was declared to be a safe planet for humans to land on after five years of planning and outside survey. clearly that wasn’t the case. The incident on Selnu happened within 2 years of human landing.
- the oxygen of Selnu can be breathed in for about five minutes without any protective gear. Once that period is over, you begin to choke on the air itself. Weirdly enough, the cave systems have been found to be safer to breathe in - keep that in mind, should you ever run out of oxygen on land.
- each station on Selnu has a backup generator (keeps on the cameras, lighting, heating, etc.) If that generator shuts off for whatever reason, someone would need to go out and manually restart it. They’d need to put on a protective suit, however.
Now that’s over, onto the rules.
- This will be a bit of a darker RP. Depending on if you choose to give the three other bunker dwellers who left you about a month ago names/identities, the beginning of this RP may open up on a dark note. So with that being said, mature RPers, please.
- Swearing’s allowed.
- Though this RP may be a bit heavier on blood - there’s a time and place for everything. Same goes to violence.
- No autohitting, in the event of a fight. Don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths. Remember your weaknesses.
- Response time may vary.
- Have a writing sample (preferably with dialogue) ready when asked! If I remember your style, I won’t ask.
- I thought a little on this, and while romance is allowed…it may not be the focus. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen, either. In fact, we could get a bit of unrequited love here, depending on how things go…my favourite!
- Linking to the above - if the yiffy wiffy/sexytimes somehow happen, fade to black, please. Not comfortable writing/reading that, so please understand.
- No one liners. ever.
- Ask questions as needed.
- And as always, this list will be changed as needed (it probably won’t.)
Now for the template - remove brackets when filled out!
Age: (20-25)
Orientation: (sexual/romantic orientation)
Nationality/country of origin:
Employment: (something that would have fitted in on the Selnu Mining Colony. Examples could be scientists, engineers/technicians, drivers, miners, guards, etc. If you have a specific idea in mind, ask and I’ll tell you if it would fit in on Selnu or not)
Background: (tell as much as you want - secrets are welcome)
Equipment: (any gear that they have on them at almost all times, or at least at the beginning of the RP.)
Physical/mental ailments: (this is not a requirement of your character.)
Other: (anything else goes here! fun facts, any relationships they may have had with those on Selnu be it friends, enemies, or something more; family back on Earth, etc)