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forum Not as we seem (closed; stalkers welcome) hero x villain, enemies to lovers
Started by @Lily_needs_some_coffee!

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Heroes and Villains are supposed to be enemies. Not just supposed to be; heck, they’re destined to hate each other. That’s the way the world has operated for centuries. That’s the way the world shall continue to operate for centuries more. Hero vs. Villain. Good guys vs. Bad. Neither ever really gaining the upper hand. It’s that simple.
Maybe that simplicity is what has sparked the change in Wyatt. Maybe he was bored. Maybe it was too simple. Or maybe his heart shifted. Or maybe it was the moment about a month ago that [Hero Name] had kicked Wyatt's butt and had been so incredibly beautiful in all their disarray. Or maybe it was the accident that haunted Wyatt's dreams because it really could have been so much worse…
Whatever it was, his new attitude goes against the laws of nature. He. Is. A. Villain. That’s his destiny, his lot in life, if you will. He’s not supposed to care about the hero, regardless of how she’s the only one who can keep in time with his wit & sarcasm.
But he does. He really does, and the thoughts he has about protecting them- holding their hand, making them laugh, making them roll their eyes- scare him. He’s worked too hard, conquered too much, to be taken down by a silly crush.
Nobody can ever know. Especially not [Hero Name].
He’d be ruined.

Wanting to do a enemies to lovers, hero x Villian, good witty dialogue. Willing to write M|M or M|F. Will consider a W|W if and only if you present me with some solid convincing because it would mean changing wyatt to a female. I don’t want simple characters, no archetypes. I want a hero who has some ethical crises, just like wyatt isn’t total evil. I want to start with a fight scene.
Charecters needed:
Side kick to hero?
Side kick to villain?
Willing to open space to more characters if presented with convincing options. If interested please reach out!
If interested please provide writing samples, activity levels (im okay with anything, but want to know), and character outline.

@Dayzed local_movies

honestly, i need something to pull me back into writing like i used to and commitments usually make me panic do it for me so i'd love to join if ya'd have me :)
i'm not active at all as of late, but i've been meaning to come back so if this takes off i'd be more active for sure. i'll link a writing sample down below– don't got a character outline as of yet but i can make one of those in the next few days if thats alright


(Sure actually! I’m using these to explore some world building for the book I’m writing so I’d love to make it play out in different ways. I’m about to get on a plane so can you set up a separate one fenrir?)

@Dayzed local_movies

(oh i dont mind if Fenrir wants to be the hero if ya'll wanted to keep this one still :00 i could def take on the hero sidekick role!)


(Either way is good with me!! I want the sidekick to kind of play wing man/ have their own emotional character arch so don’t feel like you’re getting shoved into a side character, when I suggested it, I was basing it off your style of writing from your writing sample)

@Dayzed local_movies

(ohhh haha i imagined that to be the case– i don't have much experience writing hero characters but i do need the practice so i genuinely don't mind :))


(I’m thinking we divide. I’d like to try and play the story out two different ways. Can both of us have character sheets done by end of Wednesday?)


(I wouldn't mind staying with this one then, it's been a while since I've done a group rp, I think it'll be fun! Did you still want a sample from me?)


(just saw the post😅 I can probably have a a new rp up by tonight )

@Dayzed local_movies

(Can do! Just a small question though, will we be playing two characters or just the one? Since in your original post you put down roles for the hero, villain, hero sidekick, and villain sidekick– or are we gonna scrap that?)


(I wouldn't mind staying with this one then, it's been a while since I've done a group rp, I think it'll be fun! Did you still want a sample from me?)

(okay. lets do all three of us. sorry for the confusion. I was trying to allow room for y'alls creative process, but I'd like to keep the multiple people aspect. I'll have my character sheet up this evening)


(I wouldn't mind staying with this one then, it's been a while since I've done a group rp, I think it'll be fun! Did you still want a sample from me?)

(Yes please, just so I can get a feel for how you write, though i've read some of your work before.)


(No worries at all, I also kept going back and forth😅 Heres my sample!)
Auraleous opened his mouth, wanting to say something romantic like he would have come if Narciso had only asked, or that there were other ways of finding him without needing to involve half the city and endangering civilians but would he? Would he have gone if all Narciso had asked? Or would he have brushed off the villain's plea as nothing more than a waste of time, another grab at attention when Auraleous' attention was already split in so many directions needing to keep up his appearance as city hero, keep everyone safe, and live a relatively normal life with his cats…alone. He closed his mouth and offered a small smile.
"Perhaps it was necessary," he admitted softly, glancing around the parking lot as other guests of the restaurant began recognizing Auraleous and taking pictures. Clad in a suit and arm-in-arm with the very recognizable Narciso, there shouldn't have been a doubt in Auraleous' mind that they would have been recognized. Though for a naive moment, he thought he could get away with being normal by having a normal date with Narciso. He flashed a small smile towards the few people pointing their cameras and shook his head, politely asking for no photos as he guided Narciso into the restaurant, a secure hand at the small of his back as they ducked inside. Thankfully, the restaurant was spread out enough that they would have a bit of privacy as they enjoyed their meal. Already recognized by their host, the pair were led to their reserved table without much fanfare and thankfully left to contemplate wine and meal options while looking out the riverside-facing windows that nearly touched the ceiling.
"You've always had a knack for getting me to go where you are, where you want me to go. Sometimes out of necessity, other times I was genuinely interested in seeing what you could do." He chuckled softly as he looked over the wine option.
Narciso, in his own eccentric way, had fascinated Auraleous. Even when his schemes annoyed or inconvenienced him, taking a step back and analyzing the aftermath of how Narciso concocted his plan impressed Auraleous. It was like trying to catch Sherlock Holmes sometimes, something Auraleous had always thought he was stupid for and, by sheer dumb luck, managed to figure out in the last minute.
He set the wine menu down and watched Narciso from across the table, the light from the candle between them casting a warm glow upon his villain's face, smoothing out his angular features and bringing out the gentle pink in his cheeks and lips. Thankfully he caught himself staring and subtly adjusted his position, now finding Narciso's gaze.
"So," He drawled, a smile crossing his features. "You have me all to yourself. My attention is yours. What was it that you needed from me?" he asked, already having an inkling of what Narciso wanted. What he needed. It's what Auraleous wanted and needed, too. Company. Someone to share a life with. Sure playing cat and mouse was fun but when you've been doing it for however long they've been alive, eventually the cycle gets boring. Auraleous had felt caught by the villain for a long time, but admitting something vulnerable to his so-called capture was harder than any mission he had been assigned.