Ren flips the key card over and over in his hand, on the subway. The wherring of the public transport clams him as he stares at the key to his life's work. With his hands on it, he and Olive could begin planning for the next steps. When he got what he wanted, maybe he could finally rest without Zellie's memory haunting him. His phone buzzes and he pulls it out, the text message from Olive pulling him out of his thoughts. He taps out a reply:
Kay, i'll call the restaurant on my way home. You'll probably be there before me so let urself in with your key.
He'd given Olive a key a month or so ago once they'd started planning and talking about the objective as she once had referred to it. She was honestly his best friend, but he'd never admit it. They acted more like annoyed siblings than friends, come to think of it. She was probably as close to a replacement sister as he could barely to have. He shakes off the thought, pushing Zille out of his mind.
He gets off the R train at his stop, Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall station, and walks the two blocks to his apartment. Or at least he means to. But, lost in his thoughts, he bumps smack into a stranger, causing Ren to drop his bag and the key card. Shit. He scrambles to grab it, his long limbs reaching across the concrete, shoving it back in his pocket before glancing up at the stranger… the rather attractive annoyance of a stranger who was still standing in his way. Ren picks his bag back up, standing and scowling. "Move."