forum just a couple of besties singing and stargazing // fantasy & fluff small group rp // 2/3
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

missing pieces of my skull,
i’ll sew on patches of my own soul
there’s nothing you or i can do, so let the stars fall
’cause from up here, the sky is my thoughts
and we’re all so small

uh oh boys she’s at it again
i was largely inspired by the song Meteor Shower by Cavetown, and a story of my own but we don’t talk about it
this will be very soft and fluffy, comfy vibes.
sleepovers, stargazing, painting each other’s nails, music, those kind of vibes ^^
not expecting this to take off (as usual) but I thought it was a fun idea

meteor shower
quick, take cover
but the hues in our hair compliment one another
i’d sell my own bones for sapphire stones
’cause blue’s your favorite color

this will be purely platonic. Found family vibes. So no romance or anything like that but we can still drown in fluff
i will allow light angst because characters have feelings (wow) but it’s not the main focus
you can have whatever kind of characters you want but I would like there to be like,, an older sibling type character or something like that idk
also they’re housemates. they fr said let’s get married for tax benefits /j but sleepovers are more like they all invade one person’s room for the night and cause shenanigans
also fantasy, because I’m bored and I want some funky creatures! But please keep them as humanoid creatures ;-; and keep the magic reasonable pretty please


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.
  • Please be active at least once a day, but I would prefer a bit more, since I’d like this to stay pretty active.
  • don’t be an asshole out-of-character.
  • on that note, you can curse but using any slurs will get you kicked out immediately. I feel very strongly about this.
  • 2-3 sentence minimum, but I prefer a paragraph at least. I get it, we get tired and can’t write as well for the day, and that’s okay! Just try your best, nothing like “She sneezed.” and we’re on good terms, lol
  • Also, if you think you may not be active for an extended time period, please warn me first.
  • No godmodding or powerplaying. It’s sad I have to say this.
  • I will give you a character template. You may edit the template a bit to match your character and preferences, but I would like it to stay moderately detailed. And please, don’t just send your character’s Notebook page.
  • if I’m not familiar with your style, I’ll ask for a sample.
  • I do reserve the right to say no. If our styles clash, or I otherwise don’t feel that we’d be good role playing partners, I may turn you down. It’s not about you, and I will say I’m a little nitpicky about writing styles.

character template:

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Other blemishes:
Body type:
Usual outfit:


Basic personality:
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:

my character:

Basic Info

Name: Juno Hall
Nicknames (if any): whatever you come up with
Age: 17
Gender and pronouns: genderfluid, she/they/he


Skin tone: pale
Height: 5’3
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye color: deep purple
Hair color: black
Hair style: curly, reaches to the middle of their back, usually in a low ponytail
Scars: small scars on their face and arms from picking/scratching at their skin, also a few acne scars
Other blemishes: freckles!!
Body type: thin, built like a door-
Usual outfit: normally just baggy hoodies and pants with combat boots, usually in black or other dark tones, plus a pair of sunglasses to shield their eyes from the light. Their favorite hoodie is a white one with a purple heart patch sewn on near their chest.


Basic personality: quiet, introverted, emotional, tends to lash out if put under too much stress, skittish, kind of a mess, over-apologetic
Sexuality: pansexual
Hobbies: singing, playing guitar, painting
Talents: see above
Physical conditions: sensory issues, mostly optical, which results in a strong aversion/sensitivity to bright lights
Mental conditions: depression, anxiety
Other: They have two large, white feathered wings that resemble an angel’s. They usually ask for help with preening their feathers. They have a lot of stimming and self-soothing habits, mainly stemming from anxiety and emotional stress. Sometimes, they laugh if they don’t know how else to react to stressful situations.

@saor_illust school

((HIIII i wld love to join with my beloved oc carmen…. did you want a writing sample?? and if i do join, i wonder if a visual reference would be okay instead of the hair colour/style/body type/usual outfit places instead? it's my art dw lol, if not that's ok i just wanted to clarify that first :0)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(Hello, may I please join this^^? It's seems like so much fun. I do have a couple writing refs if you need one but fair warning my style is pretty fluid and will normally change to fit with others, so I'm so sorry if it's completely one way one day and another the next. It depends on my mood. No hard feelings if you reject me)

@the-void-phantasmic group

(I’ve seen your writing, and you seem like you can write pretty good responses, so no sample needed ^^)
(That’s fine, as long as you meet the length requirement and you can use basic grammar and punctuation. I get it, my style can be pretty fluid as well, lol. Although, I have noticed that you tend to write in the first person, and if you do join I would prefer you to write in the third person, if that’s ok)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(Yes I can do the third person. I'm just more comfortable with first person writing cus alot of my stories and poems are first person as a way to create more drama. But yes I will be able to use third person for this :3)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(Time to use the character I use pretty much every time😋🤩😘)
Basic Info

Name: Mazie
Nicknames (if any): anything u want!!
Age: 15 (ah yes annoying and hyper baby of the friend group vibes)
Gender and pronouns: demi-girl and catgender!! They/them, ze/zir, and kit/kits pronouns


Skin tone: rather tan
Height: 5' 0
Weight: 127.2 lb
Eye color: pink with heart pupils (stop me from giving them unnatural features)
Hair color: blonde with pink streaks
Hair style: normally twin buns or pigtails. Very into gyaru style so they take a lot of inspiration from that. Also it goes into ringlets if it gets long enough but it's bearly long enough to be put into buns. Kit also cuts it way too much so yeah. Lots of impromptu haircuts with shitty kitchen scissors over the bathroom sink.
Scars: faded ones on their thighs. A long one along their left forearm from a grilling and dogwalking accident. Random small scars appear on kits hands for a couple days and then dissappear.
Other blemishes: the WORST acne on zir hairline. Many stick and poke tattoos. Fairys, bunnies, racoons, lots of animals. Mainly just dumb stuff.
Body type: rather curvy and pretty muscular.
Usual outfit: they love gyaru and scene fashion. Normally they're in a black graphic tee with a skirt and beaten up converse. But sometimes when they feel like getting dressed up in the morning they'll make elaborate outfits with great matching bracelets.


Basic personality: very chaos friend core. Very hyper. Very affectionate. Very sensitive. Very loud. Very bubbly. Very silly. Kindof annoying. However if they get hurt they will become very quiet and very bitchy.
Sexuality: Lesbian and gray-ace.
Hobbies: reading, drawing, skateboarding (but not very well), singing, and dancing.
Talents: singing, reading, and baking/cooking.
Physical conditions: hip dysplasia, so their hips pop loudly, painfully, and often.
Mental conditions: Autism and bpd
Other: Ze has small black horns and a red leathery tail. They also have fangs. The tail tends to lash around when ze's upset. Also they use their fangs and tail to stim. Often running their finger along the tip of the fang or tail. Kit is also very Physically affectionate, so forehead kisses and hugs are always happening!! Sometimes ze goes non-verbal, responding with big hand movements(accompanied by the tail mimicking the hands). [I'll probably add more later but here's this]

@saor_illust school

(Yes, I would like a sample, pls ^^)
(Also, a drawing is completely fine! Thanks for asking :))

totally not pulling out one of my best works that i dont replicate that long most the time LMAO

The Sovereign lapsed into silence, thinking on this. As it currently stood, she was coming to remember why she shant make such hasty decisions—after all, not everything is as it appears on the surface—but she had brought the girl all the way here from… wherever she came from, and she would make sure not to waste her time. "You say you have done your research. You say these… 'cores,' produce little harm, yet you speak of curses and misfortune. You say these allow even non-magic users to use magic. Yet despite this, I still have yet to see proof of these bold claims," Furina said in a stronger voice.

She could feel the pressure on her. The eyes of the audience… the stage beneath her feet. Despite her freedom, and the willingness to return to the ruler's seat, such things were not easily shaken off. And she wondered the various consequences for both options she had. Were she to deny this 'magician,' would she be denying the people of Celestia near-immortality? Would they hold it against her? Would they riot and protest? But were she to accept the offer… would the people be upset? Would they ask her why she made such an important decision on behalf of them, without their consult? Did they even want immortality?

Furina's mind spun with the endless questions, and soon, rested her head against her palm, sighing quietly. Too many questions, and not enough answers. For once, she wished she could have concrete answers and solutions, if not for at least one thing. Yet, it seemed, the role of a sovereign did not come with easy questions.

@saor_illust school

Basic Info

Name: carmen
Nicknames (if any): n/a
Age: … i did not realise the characters would be so young.. by default she's 21 but i can age her down a few years ig?
Gender and pronouns: any prns but he/him


Height: 149cm
Weight: 41.2kg
Eye color: green (it's hard to see but it's the green under the "n" in the reference sheet)
Scars: none
Other blemishes: doesn't really have any blemishes


Basic personality: carmen comes off as pretty antisocial. while she doesn’t exhibit any inherent qualities that make people want to stay away, she just doesn’t really talk much. however, she has still managed to make a few friends here and there with her gentle gaze and writing notes. though she has valued their company, she still prefers the company of herself. even so, she does not forgive easily, is quick to blame, and can overreact at times. her quietness may seem like she is unconfident, however, she is confident in her own abilities and won’t hesitate to get upset if you assume otherwise or underestimate her own abilities. there is, however, a mysterious feeling that seems to have haunted her ever since she left home…. could this perhaps be loneliness?
Sexuality: lesbian ace
Hobbies: solving puzzles of any kind, math (kind of), sleeping
Talents: can wield a sword pretty well (learned for fun, no practical/actual experience though), decent at running, experienced with puzzles, finding ways to communicate nonverbally
Physical conditions: none!
Mental conditions: lonely, silent by choice (not mute, will speak on rare occasions/as sign of affection), beyond that no real.. mental illness streaks, just doesn't really know how to connect with people
Other: short backstory: although carmen grew up around humans, she was never very fond of socialising with others, save for her family. even so, when she got old enough to dream of such things, she longed to get away and retire to the middle of nowhere. she knows her parents love her, and she loves her parents too, but a girl must pursue her dreams.

@the-void-phantasmic group

(Hey, Yes this is open, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to turn you down. I just don’t feel like our writing styles will mesh very well, please don’t take this as me being mean)

@saor_illust school

(> (Eh, we need an adult in the house anyway. 21 is fine!))
(> (Also, I love her! She’s very precious gently holds))

(dies so my dad has decided we are going to have a christmas party in our house in 2 days so i will try to be active at least once every day but cant guarantee more than that, after tho i shld be able to be more active ^^)

@thecasual_hooman drive_eta

(Hey, Yes this is open, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to turn you down. I just don’t feel like our writing styles will mesh very well, please don’t take this as me being mean)

(ofc I don't think you are being mean btw)