@Cadeverek group
Just as the title says! Idk, since I use this site a lot I might as well use it to give me motivation to finish this (honestly kinda sorta huge) project.
Some of y'all might know me from Henka dearest, and yeah, it's his game. And I'm pumped and full of motivation to do stuff for it so I'm gonna externalize here! I might delete this post later, Idk, I just felt like doing this tbh. A place to keep my logs public, I suppose. Feel free to ask me anything or interact or whatever ig, or just ignore, I'm honestly doing this for me and to catalog my progress :)
It's called Sciamachy, a fantasy-ish, 1950's-esque, psychological horror RPG. Inspired by OMORI and Undertale (ok, I admit, mostly OMORI), as well as like 398735897921848375938742904 traumatic events and a bunch of random songs, and some shows like This Is Us, Bojack Horseman, etc.. It's organized in 10 chapters, has a main-7 group (Inoue as a protagonist, Henka as a deuteragonist, Jack and Amadrya as tritagonists, Kainu, Jikan Seiji and Marylinn as tetartagonists), and the art style is……………… yeah, it's what I like to call a visual salad, it has pixelart, regular art, photo collages, 3D assets, traditional art, literally a visual salad. Obviously, it's still not available anywhere so… yeah! I'm thinking of publishing on Steam and Itch.io, if the price to publish is not too high, idk, if anyone knows anything about this process, I'd love to hear any tips!
I'll update this quite sporadically (unless y'all wanna chat I suppose), and remember, it'll take a while! I'm a university student so my time is limited, even though this is my main project. Plus, I can't work on something non-stop otherwise I end up burnt out and giving up, so I'll go slow and steady. My bf is helping with the game, but not actively, he's more a continuist of sorts (aka makes sure the lore doesn't get out of hand and points out plot holes) and helps with critiques. Art is by me, code by me, music by me, characters by me, story by me. God, this'll take a while. P.S.: This is not a marketing sorta thing, I just wanna interact with people in my favorite site and still be productive. My success is not defined by numbers but it definetely is by fanart OK JUST KIDDING THIS IS NOT HELPING MY CASE-
> Updates.txt
- Made the diagram of the first 4 chapters
- Figured out a way to make a better choice system. Haven't started coding yet though.
- Remaking characters sprites for the 3rd time because IT'S STILL NOT LIKE I WANT 'EM TO
- Mind maps and mind maps and mind maps
- Studying how to make color keys because color theory is my life and one and only purpose in it.
- Painting chapter opening sceneries. Finished flower pixelarts.
- Drawing the army map, it's about 2000x3000px big and e n t i r e l y p i x e l a r t. I'm gonna die.
- Figured out a way to make fall damage. I don't think it'll be useful but eh.
- Currently (like, literally right now) I'm translating and filling out a 13 page long question sheet regarding (nearly) all aspects of the worldbuilding!