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forum How to delete document folder?
Started by @kazeharuhime ecoIllusionmaster

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@kazeharuhime ecoIllusionmaster

Hi, at first I was trying to rename a folder but I couldn't find an option for it, so I decided to make a new one, move everything into that, and then delete the old one. Only… now I can't find the option to delete the old folder. Is there something really obvious I'm missing? 😅

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I'll make this clearer soon; it exists, but you're absolutely right it's not really obvious! When you click on any folder and see the documents within it, you can click on the big folder icon at the top of the page near the folder name.

That'll open up a modal that lets you edit or delete the folder. :)

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey @spacebluelily, would you mind letting me know the name of the folder(s) you're trying to delete that are erroring? I can't seem to replicate an error deleting it here, but I'd be more than happy to delete it for you (and use that folder to test what's causing the error to make sure it doesn't happen again)!


@andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) I'm having the same issue right now, actually. I created a test folder called "blank" to see if deleting works, and I'm also getting an error 500. In addition I also have a new document that I'm also not able to delete? It's weird because I don't even remember creating it; it's the entirety of a discussion thread I used to be a part of but stopped following titled "Paste the last thing you copied". After I unfollowed the discussion, I went to my document page and it was just there. Nothing happens when I click any of the icons (so I can't delete it), and I can't edit it either. Maybe I hit "export to document" by accident?

If you can show me how to delete these, it'd be a huge help


Usually whenever I get error 500 I just leave that tab and my document is gone

I can't edit the document at all. None of the popups work. When I click on the icons, nothing happens

@kazeharuhime ecoIllusionmaster

I'm still getting the 500 error as well. Renamed the folders "Undeleteable Folder 1" and "Undeleteable Folder 2", unnested them and moved them up to the main documents page.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Wow, who knew deleting folders would actually be so hard?!

That was a doozy of a bug to track down and fix, but its fix is going out in tonight's release. I also went ahead and deleted your Undeleteable Folder 1 & 2 for you. The bug that was preventing them from being deleted should be fixed going forward, so hopefully there shouldn't be any other issues! (But if there are, of course, I definitely do want to hear about them so I can get them fixed up ASAP!)

Thanks again for letting me know about these problems and, more importantly, for your patience while I fixed them!