@CaseyJ group
So, I had a dream..then wrote a story that this is based on.
There are noble families, and plains.
There is a 'high crown" meant to be held by someone who possesses all powers.
Each family has a "power" and a "source" that is in their home, a sort of crystal that feeds them their power. The children, at a young age, have their life forces linked to the "source" as well as a peice of the crystal that makes it so they can leave home without losing connection to their life force.
The world is separated into different sections. In the center is the water kingdom, surrounded by water with no bridges. I will try to draw a little sketch to better explain.
So…here is the families…kinda…
Basic plot: Each season the kings, queens, and the heirs gather in the old kingdom, where the high crown will one day rule, and discuss important matters. The dark kingdom never goes to these meetings and are often forgotten. This is on purpose. No one knows what their powers are, they are dark and mysterious after all. But, when the heirs of the kingdoms start to go missing, it starts to raise suspicion. Who is taking the heir's away? And what are they doing with them?
Ice - The ice kingdom rests in the snowy peaks of the mountains. The smallest of the noble families. They have the power of Ice, snow, frost, ect.
King - Frost (me)
Queen - deceased
Prince (heir) - Winter (me)
Princess - Eira [Ay-ra]
Electric - The electric kingdom lays in the high mountains, opposite of the ice where it is warm and stormy. They have the power over lightning, and earthquakes. Seen as a lesser power, no one hates them though.
King- open
Queen - Open
Prince (heir) - Elias/Ely (me)
Prince 2 - open
Princess - open
Dark - The Dark kingdom lies in a cave system it is believed, they never go to events, and keep to themselves. The children are trained and raised for one purpose. To ___ (only they know) Their powers are unknown to all.
King - deceased
Queen - open
Prince (heir) - Devon/dev (me) Antagonist
other kids - open
Water - the water kingdom lives on an island called "Atlantis" named after the lost city. They are well known for the mazes inside the castle and all over the island. The power over water.
King - open
Queen - open
Princess (heir) - Talia
Prince (2nd heir) - Fin (me)
Fire - The fire kingdom is inside a volcano. They are known for their short tempers and the ability to create fire.
King - open
Queen - open
Princess (heir) - Ginger
Prince - open
Air - Another mysterious kingdom, said to live on an island in the clouds, with the ability of flight and controlling air/wind.
Princess (heir) - Amaterasu
Light - The light kingdom is mysterious as well. the location of their kingdom is greatly debated, and nobody sees them other than once a year, at the Old Kingdom. They are known as the light kingdom due to their light colored skin, hair, and eyes, although is describes them well.
King - open
Queen - open
Princess (heir) - Ciana
Prince - open
Earth - ???
Princess (heir) - Laural
Prince - Leo
Others can be added, this is what I have so far. IDEAS WELCOME
Template (Only if you want)
-personality traits:
-weapon of choice:
-name: Ginger (Gin, for short)
-age: 17
-gender: female
-sexuality: mostly straight, occasionally bi
-hair: medium brown, natural waves. falls down to her waist but she keeps it brushed out and tied back in braids. currently dyed with an ombre of black at the roots and crimson and the ends.
-eyes: bright amber, can turn more burgundy with emotions.
-skin: very tan and weathered.
-body: 5'7", moderately curvy. very strong arms and long legs.
-likes: sunsets, dreamcatchers, long sunny afternoons.
-dislikes: rainy weeks, mud, wind chimes.
-colors: black, red, orange; that general color spectrum.
-foods: meat, savory stuff. Mexican food!
-element/role: Fire heir, fire princess.
-personality traits: can be stoic, but more outgoing around friends (she doesnt have any close friends). speaks her mind without being biased when asked, but otherwise would stay quiet with her arms crossed.
-weapon of choice: war hammer! they are soooo badass.
-name: Eira (Ay-ra)
-age: 16, almost 17
-gender: female
-sexuality: asexual
-hair: thin, wispy, stark white. the roots can turn silvery blue when she uses her powers, the ends are dyed black. It is trimmed to her shoulder blades, with layers and curtain bangs.
-eyes: Gray with dark blue inner rim
-skin: pale and completely devoid of freckles or any other markings.
-body: slender, minimal curves/muscle. 5'6"
-likes: snowy pine forests, meaty soup, silky flowy clothes, dangly earrings.
-dislikes: sweating, broccoli soup(though she's only had it once), restrictive/ stiff clothing, strong winds.
-colors: pale blue, silver, black. she loves little accent of black in her outfits.
-element/role: Ice Princess
-personality traits: quiet and proud, holds her chin high and looks down at everyone she can. to anyone she might seem like a total bitch, but secretly she loves dark/dirty humor and lame jokes. in her head she is such a smartass, but has to keep up a princess-ly air for appearances.
-weapon of choice: she has a magic talent that is pretty uncommon: she can do minor hypnotism with her voice. singing or speaking in a singsong way can relax / hypnotize people. not very much, but she practices on the staff. so, her voice is her favorite weapon but her than that she likes bow/arrow for hunting.
Name- Ciana
Age- 18
Gender- Non-Binary Fem
Sexuality- Hasn't thought about it
Appearance- Light blond, short, spiky. Light skin, bright blue eyes. 5'5", strong build Hates dresses, but wears them anyway.
Element and Role- Light Heir/Princess
Everything else- Find out when you interact with them!
-name: Winter
-age: 17
-gender: male
-sexuality: gay
-hair: white and sticking straight up in spikes, as long as he is near his source, when away it turns black and becomes like normal hair.
-eyes: very light blue when near his source, turns darker when away.
-skin: pale, almost white, but more normal way from source
-body: 5'4", small build.
-likes: reading, and making things out of ice
-dislikes: heat, strangers
-colors: white and pale/light blue
-element/role: Heir and only child of Ice
-personality traits: quiet, reserved, and shy at first, but he opens up more when you get to know him.
-weapon of choice: none. he is passive.
-name: Devon
-age: 19
-gender: male
-sexuality: ?
-hair: Black
-eyes: Purple
-skin: palish
-body: 6'1" average build.
-likes: ?
-dislikes: ?
-colors: Black, purple
-element/role: Dark Heir
-personality traits: ?
-weapon of choice: A staff with a dark purple gem on top and a small electric yellow gem and red gem on a necklace wrapped around the top.
-other: not much is known about him or the dark kingdom. He covers his face with a black mask that goes over his eyes and the left side of his mouth. He wears all black, including gloves.
-name: Elias/Ely
-age: 17
-gender: Male
-sexuality: Pan
-hair: Blue with a yellow streak, standing up in all directions, like he got electrocuted.
-eyes: Electric blue with yellow center.
-skin: relatively tan
-body: 5'7, average build
-likes: Chaos
-dislikes: order
-colors: vibrant blue and yellow
-element/role: Heir of Electric
-personality traits: He is chaotic and energetic, and always looking to start a fight
-weapon of choice: His fist, or a short sword.
-name: Fin
-age: 16
-gender: Male
-sexuality: Gay
-hair: light brown
-eyes: green
-skin: pale
-body: 5'7
-likes: Water, swimming, goofing off
-dislikes: being in charge
-colors: blue green
-element/role: 2nd heir to the water kingdom
-personality traits: he is energetic when around friends but keeps to himself in political situations.
-weapon of choice: dual daggers.
-Name: Leo
-Age: 15
-Gender: Male
-Sexuality: Pansexual
-Hair: Golden-brown, wavy, and down to his shoulders
-Eyes: Light green
-Skin: Light brown
-Body: 5'6" and is lithe. He has freckles across his cheekbones. He has a small build but is fit in the arms due to gardening.
-Likes: Gardening, annoying his older sister, music, and being cheerful
-Dislikes: Anything that brings him or others down
-Colors: Gold/Emerald Green
-Element/role: Prince of the Earth Kingdom
-Personality traits: Is friendly and usually cheerful. Tends to take a positive outlook on life and doesn't like it when people are killing his vibe. Leo spends most of his time outdoors. He gardens a lot but wishes for more in life. Leo would like to explore all the other kingdoms
-Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow but uses a dagger for close hand
-name: Amaterasu
-age: 10
-gender: F
-sexuality: hasn't thought about it
-hair: white and blue, buns at top of head mixed with whisky clouds
-eyes: clear, almost light blue
-skin: pale af
-body: teeny. Is child
-likes: Laurel- the earth heir, clouds, fluffy things
-dislikes: being treated as if she were immature, being ignored, spiky things
-colors: blue and white
-element/role: Air Heir
-personality traits: light and bubbly, yet still mature (most of the time)
-weapon of choice: teeth. If it comes to a fight, she is a feral child.
-name: Laural
-age: 16
-gender: F
-sexuality: aroace
-hair: long and brown, worn down
-eyes: hazel
-skin: darker tone
-body: skinny and lanky
-likes: Amie- the air heir, solid ground, animals
-dislikes: heights, unnecessary cruelty
-colors: green, brown, sometimes pink
-element/role: Earth Heir
-personality traits: calm and collected, keeps Amie in line.
-weapon of choice: non-lethal