forum Dixxylian chat (fictional language I made up lol)
Started by @Isaacalbee group

people_alt 86 followers

@Isaacalbee group

Hello - Axzus (Ax-Zues)
Goodbye - Bellatri (Bella-tree)
Thanks/Thank you - Sedcrium (Said-cree-uhm)
You're welcome - Vaal Gien (v-ahh-l. gee-en)
The fallen (referencing fallen angels) - Su Olcak ("Sue" ol'-cah-k)
Angels - Dixxlt (Dix-ll-t)
Mortals - Tain (t-eye-n)

( these are the only phrases/words that are confirmed, all the rest is made up on the spot heheheheh >:DDD cmere and test it out bc I guarantee we will all be able to understand each other 100% )


Sun- Salxn ( Sal-ex-en)
moon- Molane (Mol-en-a)
Godess- GolAx (gOl-A-x)
king- Matix (mA-tr-ick)
Demon/devil- Delono su Olcak (Del-u-no-sue ol'-cah-k)