@Mojack group
delve too deep and you’ll find something more.
It’s not like you’re doing anything illegal.
Maybe this is illegal, but you’re not killing anyone over it. Just doing some investigation.
Whatever your history is with this topic - whether there’s something intertwined with you, or someone else introduced it to you, it’s…taken your life over. Even if somewhere in that mind of yours, you can hear the words, “This is a bad idea.”
What are you researching?
The Blood of Eorr.
It exists — it’s no government secret. In fact, the governments of the world put together an organization to try and contain the spread of the Blood - DAMD, Department of Anti-Mutant Defense, is the name.
One of the rare things where a good portion of humanity agreed on.
Except you’re not associated with DAMD. At all.
God knows what’ll happen to you if they learn just how you’ve been investigating. Could be hacking, could be listening in on certain radio frequencies, you could even taken a riskier approach and trespassed somewhere.
But you know that one of the other things DAMDs looks at is the spread of misinformation. You’re not trying to spread misinformation. But they won’t look at it that way, which is why…
you can’t be caught.
Why investigate the Blood of Eorr?
Well. You’ve figured out that there’s connections closer than you thought. Like how you watched those black helicopters fly in months and months ago, and then the local mountains became closed off - no one allowed on. Something real bad is going on in the mountains. It’s not just assumption. You research this topic - you’ve been listening, observing- they’re trying to contain something.
The Blood of Eorr is known for its mutating abilities on all lifeforms, and knowing about that…just what are they keeping up in that mountain?
Whatever it is, you decide to trespass a little bit tonight. Take some photos, maybe check on whatever systems you’ve got running up there to monitor things (run maintenance, etc). You typically don’t move too deeply into the forest of the mountain.
But something seems..off.
There’s goosebumps on the back of your neck, and you’re pretty sure they’re not from the chill.
A fiery explosion erupts in the distance - and you’re caught off guard. But it doesn’t take long for you to realize where that explosion happened.
The mountain.
Something went wrong, and you’re not supposed to be here. You’re too close to the mountain for comfort.
And your instincts are practically screaming at you to leave.
I love body horror, and the universe/story this RP is based in (original creation) is full of it.
so about time I make a RP about it
You, the person joining this rp: play as some sort of individual who’s trying to investigate the strange secret plaguing the mountains outside of your city. You’re far from equipped to take on DAMD or any government organization though, so you usually try to lay as low as you can. Your character may own a gun (or may not, may have some training, may not), but you’re just a normal(ish) human. If DAMD caught wind of your activities…well, you can’t blame them, since enemy organizations could interrogate or torture you for your information. Which is why you’ve gotta stay as quiet as possible.
Big(ish) read. You don’t have to read all of it, but note that the strain that will be primarily explored in this RP is the E strain. All information in that document is from my own project, Hunters in Chains. It is also subject to further updates.
When an explosion happens at the mountain, you’re given two immediate choices - run back to your home or wherever you’re staying and hide, or investigate. Or you could hide in the forest where you are if you’re that scared.
But something escaped from that mountain.
Multiple things.
Luckily for you, you’ll only need to worry about one of those things. And it’s not really escaping if that thing (or person) wasn’t in containment to begin with, is it?
…but something might’ve hitched a ride in the process.
Remember what I mentioned before - body horror. Don’t join this rp if you’re not a fan of that stuff.
Maybe some good old normal horror too. After all, we can’t forget about the other things that may have gotten out of that mountain.
- Ask before joining; I will ask for a sample of your writing with dialogue if I forget/don’t know your style. If I deny you, it’s nothing against you personally! Im just fairly selective with my one on one RPs, although not really other types.
- Mature RPers preferred due to potential content of violence and whatnot.
- Any sexual content will be a fade to black, as I’m not fond of writing it.
- Swearing is allowed, as well as violence (duh). But as I’ve said once before, there’s a time and place for everything.
- Good grammar is appreciated, but we’re a flawed species that makes mistakes sometimes. So it’s acceptable if it’s not a 100%; I’d just prefer proper punctuation.
- In fights, play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses. Don’t autohit, don’t dodge everything, and we’re cool (I’ll do the same).
- These last bits aren’t really rules. I can be very active. I can also be very inactive. Please note this if you want to join.
- I really want any potential partners to know - if I appear to ‘ghost’ the RP, it is 100% not against you. I’m just a very awkward person overall and my thought process goes something like this once I come back from a long break “well I’m not sure if they’d want to continue this…” Again, I don’t really know how to explain this! But if you see me online, and want to continue the RP, feel free to send a message (either through pm or in the RP).
CHARACTER TEMPLATE (ask before joining. if it helps you any, my character will likely be panromantic, so no gender preference. additionally, he’ll be AMAB, likely considers himself a man but not too caring of what others call him)
Age: (20-26)
Background: (write as little or as much as you want. not everything has to be decided upon immediately. also, a note; the one thing I’ll only predecide about your character is that they’re hunting for information on the Blood of Eorr and like I mentioned earlier, the strange happenings in the local mountain. how did they decide this was what they wanted to do? boredom? betrayal? an interested individual/group is paying them to find information on those topics? genuine concern? a hot media story? choose whatever! just note that third option might mix…interestingly with my character considering he is (or was?) associated with DAMD…the very organization you don’t want to be seen by)
Other: (finally, anything else goes here. current living situation, career if they have any besides investigating things they’re not supposed to. ailments, things they own that might be of note, fun facts, relationships etc. go crazy go stupid!!)