forum Deliver Us from Evil// Closed
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

What do you get when you cross an exorcist, hitman, private investigator, and private school student with psychic abilities all commected to a missing girl? Well, let's wait and see…..

Rosemarie Abbey is a bright wonderful college school student. She comes from a wealthy family and attends a private school in Baulens. Suddenly she fell ill to the point where she became bedridden. Strange things began to happen afterwards. Blood spilling from her eyes and palms, speaking in tongues, never eating but still being fine, levitating. Sometimes her eyes light up red and she throws people across the room. One day, she threw her mother across the bedroom and left the home never to be seen again.

The psychic student is a friend of Rosemarie; they've known each other since first grade. They are a bright and loving friend who's always stayed by their friend's side. They descended from shamans and they have been seeing spirits since they were a young child. No one believes them, but they still hear the whispers wherever they go.

The hitman has been in the business for over ten years now. They are an expert in what they do for a living. One day, they are given an anonymous request to kill Rosemarie's parents. No reason and no name, but they still take up the job. The date of the killing happens to be the same day Rosemarie

The private investigator is a bit of a skeptic. They were in the force for five years but quit after the loss of a coworker and friend. A year later, they opened up their own investigation agency in the west side of the city. They have taken care of several cases especially ones dealing with missing people, but they've never seen anything like this.

The exorcist has been preforming exorcisms for the last nine years. They were a priest, but had to give it up after a exorcism that went wrong. Even though it took them a while to recover from it, they ended up becoming one by their own means. Priests call him whenever there's a case they can't handle. They ended up being called in to examine Rosemarie and have been regularly visiting when needed, but whenever they were there, they never noticed anything showing that she's possessed.

Our story begins a few weeks after Rosemarie escaped from her room and disappeared. The private investigator had been hired to find her and decided invited the psychic, hitman, and exorcist to a restaurant to begin the investigation.

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  • Experienced roleplayers with good grammar and spelling only. If I haven't rped with you before, I will ask for a smaple.

  • At least one paragraph per response

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules

  • No smut. I don't think we'll ever get to that, but if we do, let's just skip over it.

  • Post whenever you can or try to at least once a day. Sometimes I'll be able to post right away or it may take a day or two. It's all good, no rush.

  • Just a heads-up there probably will be parts dealing with blood, gore, and all those fun things.

  • Swearing is okay, just no slurs.

  • No bullying or harassment OOC.

  • If you have any questions or ideas, please let me know!

  • I believe that is it for now. For this rp I will be the exorcist if that's cool. Let's have fun and go hunt some demons.

Deleted user

May I join as the private investigator? I have a soft spot in my heart for characters like those.

@knightinadream group

Oml I didn't expect people to join this fast, but yeah of course! You guys can send in a sample if you want and I'll try to get the template up asap.


(It was a warm evening, the sun had almost fully set, and people were heading home to their families and a nice hot meal. Ayra licked her lips, it had been some time since she last had a hot meal, always jumping from place to place. She lived in a small cabin near the edge of the forest, far from the prying eyes of the townsfolk but she still knew many people here. Even now she could hear the sounds of a fiddle and flute coming from Alvin's tavern. The music and laughter was occasionally broken by the sounds of her horse's hoofs. She jumped off his back, the gravel crunching under her feet and tied his lead with the other horses. She made her way to the entrance with her hood up and threw open the doors.)
(People grew silent and looked at her expectantly. She took off her hood and tossed back her hair. "Evening lads, next rounds on me!" A loud cheer went around as mugs were raised and barmaids went around the room, filling up cups. Alvin passed her a cup as she sat near the fire and smiled. The 50 something year old man had been like a father to her after he own had tossed her out of her kingdom. It was thanks to him she built her new home away from everyone. "Aye lass, yeh have such an aura about yeh, the room lights up when yeh walk in." He winked at her and took a seat. "Thank you Alv, but I don't come here often, I think that all you." She grinned and knocked back her drink.)

Deleted user

Oml I didn't expect people to join this fast, but yeah of course! You guys can send in a sample if you want and I'll try to get the template up asap.

(The morning was cold, wet, and like most mornings in Fleeg. It was a boring little fishing town nestled away in the corner of nowhere, but to approximately seven hundred people, it was home. Admittedly, many had been moving away since, but that wasn’t too much of a problem for Jason. Who was Jason? The protagonist, you moron. Anyways, Jason liked his life. He liked fishing, and liked bringing in catches from the sea. He was a hard worker, and a kind man who’d lived there almost seventy years without moving. But some days, he felt trapped there. Some days, he felt stifled by fog and the smell of sea. This day, he felt that too.

Today is the day he decided to escape.)

@Becfromthedead group

Writing sample from me. Sorry for taking a while.
Tohru was grateful to have someone to travel with. Even if it was just a kid. Even if the only reason was he was actually able to sleep some at night, knowing he had a second set of eyes and ears.
Of course, part of him worried a lot that he wouldn't be able to take care of this child forever. He hadn't even been able to keep anyone alive from the first group he'd traveled with, and they were mostly adults. It had been what? A week? Two weeks? He'd lost count on how long it had been since the last one of them died.
Anyway, now Tohru and this child were headed on to a survivor's outpost they'd heard about. It wasn't far at this point. They were just breaking camp for the morning, and this would be the last stretch. The only reason they hadn't made it the night before was because it had started getting dark, and Tohru refused to push on like that when he had another person to look after. Had he been alone still, it might have been a different story.
Tohru pulled the laces on his boots tight as he prepared to get going for the day. He checked his inventory again, making sure he hadn't left anything behind.
"You almost ready to go?" he asked Mori.

@knightinadream group

Name: Nicholas Agnusdei
Role: The Exorcist
Age: 33
Gender: Cis male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Demi-sexual, biromantic
Physical Appearance: Standing at about six foot one, Nicholas has a somewhat muscular build and well defined features. He has silver eyes and warm ivory skin. His hair is jet black and is long and pushed back. Then his head is oval shaped and his body is rectangular. There are some scars on his upper and lower back. Below his left eye there is a small birthmark.
Apparel: Usually wears a white dress shirt, black vest, suit pants, and a black leather jacket with shoes. He only wears a priest shirt and Roman collar when needed. Sometimes he wears reading glasses.
Personality: Despite being a former priest, he is, strangely, a cold person. He isn't the type to immediately open up to people after meeting them. Generally he is a quiet person. It isn't surprising if he comes across as cynical or closed-off. On the other hand, he is a great listener and loves helping others. While his words are bleak and sometimes ambiguous, his actions are warm. Whenever there is task to be complete, he puts all his focus into it. He won't stop till it's done.
Background: Ever since he could remember, Nicholas has been devoted to God. He was raised in an orphanage outside of the city that was run by the church. When he was six years old, he experienced his first witness of possession. Another boy in orphanage became possessed and eventually attacked him. Thankfully someone saved him and the other boy had an exorcism preformed on him. Nicholas ended up having to transfer to another orphanage.

At twenty-four he was ordained as a priest. He did not become an exorcist one till a mentor of his, Father Joseph, had ask him. For the next five years, Nicholas worked alongside the older priest, aiding in exorcisms. Most cases were not possessions, but there were a handful of them that were; and every single time he proved to be an excellent exorcist. Sadly the last one he preformed as an official priest did not go so well. The demon was stronger than what he and his mentor were used to. It ended up killing Father Joseph before disappearing.

Nicholas decided to give up the priesthood despite the diocese's decision to temporarily suspend him. He swore to never preform another exorcism again, only to find himself continuing to do them again by himself. Since the church is low on priests willing to do exorcism, he secretly went back to preform ones that the others are scared to do. Whenever there is a case, they would call and he would go over. One day, he ended up getting a call from a woman about her daughter, but when he went, he didn't notice anything. Yet he kept coming back whenever the woman called, and on one fateful day, he finally realized what was going on.
Other: Nicholas uses a flip-phone instead of a regular cellphone. He also has a black cat named Gertrude.

@Becfromthedead group

Ooh, is it Callisto???
I'm finally sitting down to work on my character btw! Not sure whether I have a good existing one or if I might need to make a new one though.

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Dimitri Asphodel
Role: Hitman
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical Appearance: He's very small and at first glance is not very intimidating. He stands at just over 5'4 with a thin, lithe build, but he's more muscular than he looks. He has a kind of cream-colored complexion, dark brown hair, and warm brown eyes. He is typically clean-shaven, but his hair is a bit of a mess. It's on the shorter side, but he lets it grow out a good bit, and it's usually unkempt. He has several scars including one on the top of his left ear, one across the bridge of his nose, and several on his chest.
Apparel: Usually wears dark colors, comfortable clothes, and typically covers his body most of the way. Long-sleeved cotton shirt, faded jeans, combat boots, and a black moto racer style leather jacket. he has square black-rimmed glasses.
Personality: He is a very confident, proud, and stubborn kind of guy, one whose beliefs are hard to change without something drastic happening. Very independent individual, loathe to ask for help. Very quick on his feet, comes up with solutions in tight spots. He's usually courteous and an expert ass-kisser, but can also be insensitive at times. Usually not the emotional type, but if you strike a nerve, he can become reckless.
Background: He grew up with a very strong sense of justice, and a very strict set of parents. His parents divorced when he was about 11, and his mother gave him, his father, and his sister hell through the whole process and beyond. With no outlet for his frustration, he got sucked into a local gang by 14, mostly dealing with drugs and lower level things. However, within the next couple of years, he became something of a vigilante, offing those who violated his (possibly warped) sense of justice. This included several influential figures that opposed his gang or progress within his neighborhood, and eventually his own mother. No one ever really suspected him, but being a vigilante wasn't paying the bills, so he went to his bosses to ask for contracts instead when he was around 18 and needed to set out to buy a place of his own. He also takes other work from clients on occasion. Dimitri very rarely acts as a vigilante anymore, as he burned himself out pretty hard. He calls himself a "freelancer."
Other: Not religious, kind of skeptical of spiritual and psychic work (assuming that makes sense in-world!)


Name: Callisto Alvah
Nicknames/Aliases: Cal, Phoenix
Role: Psychic
Age: 22
Gender/Pronouns: female she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Callisto has short grey curly hair that she pulls up on top of her head like a faux-hawk. Her roots are a darker black colours and she has had the grey hair for a little over a year. Wispy side bangs add dimension to her face. She has hetreochromia so her left eye is a deep forest green and her right is a light blue that tends to darken when she is feeling strong emotions. Cal has cool olive skin tone with freckles dotting her nose, under the eyes, and faded near the top of her head. The bottom of her face is mainly freckle free. She is about 5'7, has a few piercings: double piercings in her right eyebrow, regular ear piercings and helix piercings
Personality: Callisto is a spitfire, having a response to everything and not knowing when to shut up. This has gotten her into trouble before but she never really cared. Cal likes to spend times alone on walks, hates having company or music and prefers to listen to birds instead. She will hurt you if you look at her wrong but is fairly protective of those loyal to her.
Power: Callisto is a psychic. She can hear the voices of ghosts and spirits that li ger in their world as well as communicate with spirits that have passed. As a kid, Callisto had a spirit friend named Maddox who had died as a child because of a drowning. Maddox was unable to pass on and stuck with Callisto as she grew. Cal told everyone he was her imaginary friend but as she grew older, she realized he wasn't an imaginary friend. Callisto can communicate with spirits but she can't do anything else. Maddox will move things around for her, having never moving on, he was able to influence the mortal realm to an extent.
Hobbies: whittling, she is pretty good at carving things from wood, Cal likes to set things on fire, having been arrested a few years ago for arson.

  • "you know, when I said I love you, I didnt think you would take me seriously."
  • "Really asshole, you want to talk after I put you in a headlock?"
  • "Oh, I'm in trouble? Well allow me to run thr fuck away."
  • I am do re mi fa so fucking done with you."

Theme Songs:
Do re mi by blackbear
Ignite by Alan Walker
Demons by imagine dragons
Anxiety by Blackbear

Deleted user

Yeah, sorry for not posting anything yet, I've been busy.