Decaying Boy / OxO/ closed, pm if interested!
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Sounds interesting!

(Dude that's a dope premise! Mind if I rip it slightly for an rp?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
@KawaiiCuteness003 Hello! Is it possible for me to get a writing sample from you if you want to participate in this?
@Oakley-is-Oaken-Bull of course, go ahead! I don't own any rights to this XD

Of course! Give me one second!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Alright, thanks!

Of course!

@Oakley-is-Oaken-Bull of course, go ahead! I don't own any rights to this XD
Awesome, thanks! :D

His looked up through the grey clouds, his eyes bright with curiosity and her hair flowing behind him in the wind. His dark hair almost seeming like a river of despair as he turned to his friend, excited to start their adventure
“Can you believe we’re doing this?” He whispered. “I Shouldn’t be here…but I want to help…you’re human after all”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Ah, thank you! Would you like to do templates?


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
- Eyes:
- Hair:
- Face:
- Body:
- Height:
- General weight:
- Typical Cloths:
- Work clothes:
- relaxing cloths (if applicable):
- Distinguishing Marks:

Awesome! I’ll do that In one second

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Also, I probably won't get my character up until after you, I usually choose characters based on the other person's!)

(Sorry! I got busy)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(no worries! I just ask you get your character up soon!)

(Of course!)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(thank you!)

Name: Logan Park
Nicknames: Park, Lo, Ho-Ho
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Race: Korean
Eyes: Dark brown eyes that seem to change color in the light
Hair: Dyed red hair that swept back from his face
Face: sharp jawline, and sharp nose with small eyes that make him look hotter
Body: He’s thin and agile, always ready for a challenge
Height: 5’8
General weight: 147
Typical Cloths: Leggings with an oversized hoodie and doc martins
Work clothes: jeans and a tank top with a leather jacket over
relaxing cloths (if applicable): shorts no shirt
Distinguishing Marks: a small scar going through his eyebrow
Personality: he’s kind and gentle, always wanting to help people with their problems, he’s very Naive and gullible
Background: his parents divorced when he was five years old and he lived with his mother and older sister until they both died of a heart condition he also has
Likes: Pizza, sushi, Dancing
Dislikes: Bullies, anti-lgbtq
Strengths: dancing and cooking
Weaknesses: pineapple and cats
Fears: water, getting abused
Pets?: a cat
Powers?: (?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Name: Alexander Hayashi
Dead Name: Alexandra
Nicknames: Alex
Age/ How old they look: 'died' 19
Gender: Trans male
Sexuality: Gay
- Eyes: A soft silvery color, with flecks of ice blue when the light hits them just right
- Hair: A metallic silver, cut just below the ear in a playful, boyish manner
- Face: Heartshaped, with soft lips and dimples when he smiles. Thin eyebrows, light freckles, soft cheekbones and a button nose.
- Body: Slim, with faint curves he tries to hide. He looks graceful, thin arms and long legs.
- Skin tone: Pale, with just hints of a tan on his shoulders and chest.
- Height: 5'8"
- General Weight: Around 150 lbs.
- Typical Cloths: He wears jeans most days, and a pair of red Converse.
- Work clothes: He usually wears a white t-shirt dark jeans
- relaxing cloths (if applicable): He prefers baggier tops, even after top surgery, favoring grey sweater shirts and softer fabrics in general.
- Distinguishing marks: Scars from top and bottom surgery, as well as a small birth mark on his inner right thigh shaped like a four leaf clover. He calls it his lucky mark.
Personality: Alex is all sunshine. He loves to always focus on the positive, even when it seems like there isn't anything to be positive about. He's very clingy, attaching to someone once he's comfortable around them enough and just not letting go. He'll always come up with an excuse. He had a pretty good life before the incident, but he's seen how much other people have been hurt. He's made it his job to help everyone be happy and feel good about themselves.
Background: Alex died in a horrible accident, but for some reason his soul didn't leave. Since then, he's been slowly decaying, people forbidden from helping him since it was beloved this was punishment for his 'sin' of being trans and gay. He doesn't remember his old life at this point.
Likes: Cuddles, hot chocolate, singing, spending time with friends and family
Dislikes: rejection, being yelled at, people being hurt
Strengths: Cooking, a decent fighter, finding the positive
Weaknesses: hates confrontation, can often ignore the bad in people so he doesn't really know when he's getting in too bad of a situation.
Fears: being abandoned, pain
Powers?: (We can do this with powers if you want to) He's a telepath, and seems have a bit of precognition. Nothing much, just a general feeling of when not to do something he was planning to do, mostly when someone would get hurt
Pets: none
Links: n/a
Other: He's a soft boy, please be gentle. He can take it, but he doesn't want to deal with anything bad qwq

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Okay! So, ready to get started?)

(Yeah! I love him! You want to start?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Ahh, thank you! And sure, I will in a bit!)
Alex closed his eyes tightly as he heard people approaching him. Had they come to gauck at him? The living dead man? He let out a soft whine, eyes opening a bit. He would have cried, but already his tear tucks were gone. He was rotting away, as he had been for the past year.
"P-Please… h-help me…" he knew they wouldn't, though. They'd made the announcement right next to him- no one was to help him. This was his punishment.

Logan was in the class watching and inspecting the decaying boy. He purses his lips as his classmates run forward to poke him before running back to safety. He just stood and watched