forum Atlas has added you to a group chat. (open group chat rp)
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

Uh oh boys. She let the intrusive thoughts win.
So I know this is uncharacteristic of me but no templates this time, just hop in. This is a group chat rp after all.
I don’t actually expect this to take off but hey, if anyone’s bored, I’ll probably never close this.
Also, I really need an excuse to write about some characters that I enjoy

So here’s the rules:

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.
  • Keep things lighthearted. No talk about,,, well really anything potentially triggering. No violence or anything like that. Innuendos and dark jokes are fine because group chats are pretty funky.
  • Please tell me your triggers before joining. With the jokes and whatnot.
  • Please be active at least once a day, but I would prefer a bit more, since I’d like this to stay pretty active.
  • your character can be mean, but you can’t.
  • on that note, you can curse but using any slurs will get you kicked out immediately. I feel very strongly about this.
  • no godmodding or powerplaying. it’s sad I have to say this.

Fairly short this time, I really hope I don’t have to extend the list bc something obvious wasn’t actually obvious.

Also, I would like you to write something like I do in the starter post, just to keep things nice looking (and to help me avoid a headache)

And with that, let the dumbassery maybe possibly begin!

ALiteralStar has joined the chat.

ALiteralStar: holy shit besties it worked
ALiteralStar: heyyyyyyy

Apollo has joined the chat.

Apollo: What the fuck.
ALiteralStar: dude why is ur name so boring
Apollo: Because it’s my name? Why are you calling yourself a literal star, last I checked you were not in fact a giant flaming ball of gas.
ALiteralStar: because I’m god
Apollo: That… doesn’t answer my question.

LittleMoon has joined the chat.

LittleMoon: Atlas why
ALiteralStar: :)

Deleted user

(Hello. So is this a 'we take some existing characters' rp or are you playing all 3 characters from your starter and we bring an oc from home?)

Deleted user

FlamingFox has joined the chat
FlamingFox:helllo strangers
FlamingFox: ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و
FlamingFox: Evil noises
MoonGazer has joined the chat
MoonGazer: Shiori try to be chill
FlamingFox: I'm always very chill!
MoonGazer: I'll believe you
MoonGazer: Hello everyone else

@the-void-phantasmic group

Apollo: Don’t worry, these two dumbasses aren’t very chill either.
ALiteralStar: bitch?? uncalled for smh
LittleMoon: What did I do :(
LittleMoon: Ooo another moon themed name! Hello!
ALiteralStar: well you forgot what you were upset about real fast
LittleMoon: Shush
Apollo: Sigh.

Deleted user

MoonGazer: Just making sure she doesn't kill someone/j
MoonGazer: And hello to you too
FlamingFox: excellent, we can make an alliance of infinite chaos
MoonGazer: Also she just starts rping an evil overlord when she's on the internet sooooo
FlamingFox: Quiet you

@the-void-phantasmic group

ALiteralStar: I like the sound of chaos
ALiteralStar: will there be arson involved?
LittleMoon: Maybe skip the arson?
ALiteralStar: coward
Apollo: Atlas likes to pretend he’s god, apparently.
ALiteralStar: I am god
Apollo: I don’t think god would have an obsession with chickens.

Deleted user

FlamingFox:Yes much arson
FlamingFox:I can literally make flame stuff so yeah
MoonGazer: No arson
MoonGazer arson bad
FlamingFox: we could kill gods chickens
MoonGazer: yeah sure

@the-void-phantasmic group

ALiteralStar: you leave the chickens alone
LittleMoon: Uh oh, hide Darrell
Apollo: We could make chicken soup.
ALiteralStar: NOOO
Apollo: :)
LittleMoon: Apollo we’re not making Darrell into soup
Apollo: And you call me a killjoy.

(For context Darrell is Atlas’s pet chicken)

Deleted user

MoonGazer: Kill the chickens. Raze their homes, burn them alllllll
FlamingFox: yessss join the arson
MoonGazer /j :)
FlamingFox: boooo
FlamingFox: Now I'm hungry
MoonGazer: Then go find an unowned chicken

@the-void-phantasmic group

Apollo: At least someone agrees with me.
ALiteralStar: I regret everything
LittleMoon: When don’t you regret everything
ALiteralStar: I will impale you
LittleMoon: Noted
Apollo: It’s okay, we’ll just take Darrell while Atlas is asleep.
ALiteralStar: please use tone indicators
Apollo: It’s okay, we’ll just take Darrell while Atlas is asleep. /srs
LittleMoon: Apollo no 😭

(boop boop more people pls join)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(ask and you shall receive-)

TomatorNator has joined the chat.
WalkInTheWoods has joined the chat.
SharpStones has joined the chat.

TomatorNator: Hi hows everyone doin :)
TomatorNator: Navman go eat dirt
WalkInTheWoods: looking back and I totally support chicken stealing
TomatorNator: Huh

@the-void-phantasmic group


LittleMoon: Hello yes why are you screaming
ALiteralStar: nobody’s stealing my fuckin chicken
Apollo: Bet. Hello, everyone.
ALiteralStar: arson is great
LittleMoon: Atlas pls you named yourself “a literal star” stop bullying people

@im-with-stoopid pets

WalkInTheWoods: you, I think
TomatorNator: Quiet i think its a very good name
TomatorNator: Navman i think your screaming
WalkInTheWoods: *you're
SharpStones: *YOUY'REYE

@the-void-phantasmic group

Apollo: @SharpStones, do you have caps lock turned on by any chance?
ALiteralStar: how dare you tell me to be quiet in my own chat, smh
ALiteralStar: *yuo’er
LittleMoon: Please stop screaming you sound angry
Apollo: They might be.
LittleMoon: I don’t like the sound of that

@im-with-stoopid pets

WalkInTheWoods: no, he's just always mad
SharpStones: WHAT
TomatorNator: Shes right yknow
WalkInTheWoods: and turn off caps lock, bozo
SharpStones: fine

Deleted user

FlamingFox: I love how many people love arson on here
FlamingFox:it's like a pyromaniac club
MoonGazer: if I see any fire related crimes reported I will be disappointed in you all

@im-with-stoopid pets

WalkInTheWoods: someone tell them before i do because i'm gonna hurt their feelings
TomatorNator: Huh
TomatorNator: Wait that was you
WalkInTheWoods: yeah, it was
WalkInTheWoods: hey, hey caps lock
SharpStones: felt necessary

@the-void-phantasmic group

ALiteralStar: I’ve committed crimes myself (nearly killed these two idiots)
Apollo: We all nearly killed each other, you’re not special.
LittleMoon: Why do you feel the need to mention this
ALiteralStar: we’re on the subject of crimes??
LittleMoon: :(
Apollo: Wait, Artemis, how are you typing, anyway?
LittleMoon: Text-to-speech and prayers
ALiteralStar: damn that’s some dedication