I remember we had a discussion for this last year so here's a new one!
If you don't already know, Art Fight is an annual art trade event where there's two teams and the teams attack each other by drawing each other's characters. The theme hasn't been revealed yet but it starts July 1.
here's my profile: https://artfight.net/~mossketches
Here I am!
This is my first year, so I may have quite a few questions 😅
yup, feel free to ask any questions!
i haven't done artfight before but i'm very intrigued so uhhhh
here's my account fbdjdj
might need some guidance but i'm def gonna stick to the motivation i'm having to do things like this lmao
Oooh this looks cool, I'm very curious about it now
this does look cool! what are the rules?
They should all be on the website!
I uh followed all of y'all, btw
I’m gonna make a new account because I don’t remember any of my login info and I’m too lazy lmao-
Wait nvm I found my old account, pay no attention to my bad art from last year-
Welp, Imma get in on this just because I'm gonna be travelling a lot in July which means long car rides which means drawing opportunities!
sdfghjkhgfdfgh I tried to participate last year but this year I actually have art I'm adding :DD
mornin' buckaroodledoodles, allow me to dump this here for you
I'm going to be pretty busy this July, but still going to try to do some drawing~~
how do you make an account for the artfight?
how do you make an account for the artfight?
There should be a “Log In / Register” button somewhere on there. All you have to do is press the latter of the two and then fill in some stuff.
Aaaa theme reveal just happened! Are you guys gonna do early bird sign up or get sorted later?
Does the theme actually mean anything? Or is it just a cool little theming for the team names?
Loving the theme already! Might mess around with character design and make a steampunk character if I have the time lol, I’m gonna do early bird sign up this year
I'm doing early bird sign up right now but am having a tiny crisis.
I love both, but I'm better at cyber. The worst part? I have a Steampunk character and it feels like betrayal to do otherwise :')
And I'm not entire sure on the teams because this is my first year too
Omg, do you actually have to draw for the theme? ;-;
Because I don't have characters for either genre, and I've never drawn either save one character for a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign.
But I also love both so much I wouldn't be able to decide.
Ah I don't think so! I just have a Steampunk character I'm attached to that I still need to link yet. You're characters don't have to fit the theme I know that
Nah, you don’t have to have characters to fit the theme, I just like to do it