It's shit o'clock, boys.
I'm working three jobs, taking two college classes, working on a personal project, an have a dog and a horse to care for, both of which require at LEAST an hour of undivided attention each, a day. Preferably a lot more.
Thursdays fucking suck, because I work until 12:30, have class at two until 3:15, have to choose between seeing my horse, (which between driving time and everything else, takes a minimum of two hours), studying for whatever assignments I have that night, (hint: this week I have three), working on my obligations for my OTHER job, working on my personal project, or trying not to ask my family to walk my dog for me. I now have a horse to train as well for the next two weeks, which is going to be another two-three hours out of most days, and yeah.
I also have really bad anxiety atm, to the point where my therapist has mentioned slapping another medication on top of the one I already have. I feel like shit, and not one of the above mentioned things can be dropped. Not fucking one of them.
I PROMISE I have not abandoned even one of my rps. I just have no fucking time. I'll be chewing through them slowly as shit, but I still love them all, and I'm really excited about them. I'm not going to apologize, because there's nothing I can do about it, but I did want to let you know.
Aaannnnd I think that's everyone, but if not, I'm sorry!