forum ame’s amazing assemblage of anarchy // visual novel concepts & update log
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group


Anything posted in this thread, or related to this thread, will most likely contain or mention the following: Murder, gore, gun violence, suicide, suicidal thoughts & ideations, drug abuse, self harm, disordered eating, various forms of moderate to severe mental illness, electroshock therapy, and medical inaccuracies (mainly related to the psychiatric branch of the medical system), among other things that will be added as they become relevant.

If any of these things bother you, either proceed with caution or just don’t proceed at all. Seriously, I won’t be offended. Self care comes first.

Hello! If you know me and have for a while, you may know that I’ve been hyperfixated on a story surrounding the concept of the Heart, Mind, and Soul for a bit. This is my developer’s log for a visual novel I’m hoping to make based off of that. Wow.

If you don’t know me, hi! My name is Ame, and I’m a teenager who aspires to develop games as a hobby, and I’m also an artist and storyteller. My dream has always been to tell my stories to the world in some way, shape, or form, whether it’s an original story or an alternate universe. In this case, it’s an alternate universe, and not an original story.

This thread was originally to help me figure out a title for this game, and help with that is still very much appreciated.

You can find the source material/inspiration for this story down below:

Here are the music albums it’s very heavily based off of (you don’t need this to understand the story, but I might as well credit the source material):

Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium (Tally Hall cover album by Chonny Jash):

Hawaii, Part II (by Miracle Musical):

Here is the alternate universe it takes place in:

And here’s the document, where the basic plot of the game and a few other things I’ve written for myself should be:

And yes, this is a fan game and not an original concept. Most of the credit goes to Chonny Jash and Miracle Musical, as well as the theorists in their respective fan bases, with very few concepts being fully thought out by me.

I’m currently using RPG Maker MZ to develop this, so no, I’m not doing much coding myself, but I’m still working with plugins and programming events.

Note: I’m currently editing and working on the document and universe page, so there’s will likely be inaccuracies and unfinished spots. Sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT: Content warnings and more context added to this post, as well as making it more cohesive? and somewhat professional. Somewhat. (1/28/24)

@the-void-phantasmic group

Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day of working on assets,,, oof. And I need to figure out how to do multiple routes/perspectives in RMMZ,,, I seriously wish there were more free MZ plugins that made this easier ;-;

@Dayzed local_movies

(i read it and it's definitely very interesting, i love how the fight between the two affects the Soul and so after a while of not doing well it decided to take itself out which is a cool way of leading into the suicide bit in my opinion :0)

@Dayzed local_movies

(haha i think it's very cool and would honestly play the game once it's done in the future- as for uhhh a name idea what were thinking? as in, do you want it to be a long title or a shorter title? also what kind of vibe? i could maybe help brainstorm for ideas?)

@the-void-phantasmic group

(I’m not sure, I was originally gonna call it by the name of the universe it’s set in, but I figured that was a bit too long. So, I guess I’m going for a name on the shorter side?)
(As for the vibe, uh…….. shit idk, how dare you let me think for myself /j /j)

@the-void-phantasmic group

Update: school starts tomorrow, so I won’t have much progress in terms of developing the game until my next break from school. On the bright side, I have most of my title screen done, some splash screens at the beginning, an epilepsy warning at the start of the game, and a character selection screen all worked out. I also have a good amount of the character sprites finished. The character selection doesn’t lead to anything yet, I’m waiting to add gameplay until I start writing the scripts (which I’ll be working on in between now and my next break).

Overall, it’s going pretty well so far. I do have a small issue, though….. my parents are very interested in the game, but it’s incredibly dark and I was planning on having the characters cursing. And there’s a genderfluid character (Heart). An easy solution would just to be cutting out the cursing and give Heart a single set of pronouns throughout the game (most likely she/her, since they’re more feminine presenting and any other set of pronouns would make my parents suspicious). But that still leaves the issue of the dark themes the game has… not sure how well my parents would take to suicide being a large part of the game’s plot progression, among the other things that are very prevalent in the game. Maybe I’ll leave those things obscure and up to interpretation? But that would kill the point, methinks.

@the-void-phantasmic group

(That’s a pretty good idea, actually. We’ll see how long it takes to develop the game, then go from there, I suppose. If I do need to make a censored version, I can probably copy all of the game files from the uncensored version and change the scripts and dialogue to be more suitable for conservative parents, lmao)
(I’m thinking it’ll take a very long time to finish the game, since…. it’s an entire game and I’ve never made a game before pff. So that might change the situation a bit.)

Deleted user

(I'm mildly confused by the concept of fanfiction for a song/album, I am interested by the story, looks like fun/trauma. As for name ideas, I've got a few generic heart/mind/soul metaphors that feel insufficent to title the game as a whole. Like, 'Cacophany of the Mind,' 'Trial of ones Heart', which are pretty generic, and don't work as a full game title, feeling more like just rephrasing of the existing episode titles then anything else. I'll let you know if I get any actual good name ideas…)
(Well, good luck on the whole thing!)

@the-void-phantasmic group

(I mean, when the album has and overarching story and theories about said story then really it’s free real estate, but I see where the confusion comes from lol)
(if AO3 can do it so can I 🗣🔥)
(Anyway, the story is definitely very trauma, lmao,, and those names do sound pretty cool! I would probably use them but the episode names are all gonna be song lyrics from the albums so that would unfortunately mess up the vibe 😔 deco storing them for later tho)

@Dayzed local_movies

(promise i didn't forget about this- i did come up with a few (albeit not a lot) possible title names- it took me a while cause my brain is absolute fucking mush but here they are: Exigent Reality, Unseen Efforts, Scattered Thoughts, or Messy Motives,,, uhhhh listen, i went with two word titles cause it feels a bit cleaner and also didn't know how long or short you wanted it. dunno if these help at all but uhm i tried :'))