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forum aaaaaaa uquiz
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

people_alt 69 followers

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Number Five - May Mikkelo
you got may!!! may is a kind soul forced into a tough shell, trained to kill despite her pacifist mindset. may is a lover with a hard shell, guarding her fragile heart with inky death glares and biting comments. may loves her fellow assassins dearly and tries to communicate that through forcibly gifted burnt cookies and sloppy sewn sweaters. she has the ability to turn into a fifteen-foot monster of molten, dripping, melting tar. her favorite activities include painting skeletons, decking herself out in goth attire, and the game UNO.

Doesn't sound too far off. 😅 the tar monster sounds so messy tho

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Number Two - Abel Nakamura
If you got abel then i recommend you go to therapy- this child is unhinged, extraordinarily mentally unstable, and the most gender icon you will ever come across. they are just- violent in every fashion and will kill you while cackling. they can also turn into water vapor molecules at will and take over your body via respiratory system. abel's favorite activity is playing the electric guitar, tending to his plants, and watching innocents bleed.

(Lol, I’m dark, but I’m not that bad… in real life at least, lmao! My poor characters suffer so much!)

Deleted user

Number Two - Abel Nakamura
if you got abel then i recommend you go to therapy- this child is unhinged, extraordinarily mentally unstable, and the most gender icon you will ever come across. they are just- violent in every fashion and will kill you while cackling. they can also turn into water vapor molecules at will and take over your body via respiratory system. abel's favorite activity is playing the electric guitar, tending to his plants, and watching innocents bleed.

Yeah, I'd say I'm just about the worst person you could meet if I don't like you. Exactly like Abel. I'm also just- yeah.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Number Two - Abel Nakamura
if you got abel then i recommend you go to therapy- this child is unhinged, extraordinarily mentally unstable, and the most gender icon you will ever come across. they are just- violent in every fashion and will kill you while cackling. they can also turn into water vapor molecules at will and take over your body via respiratory system. abel's favorite activity is playing the electric guitar, tending to his plants, and watching innocents bleed.

I see myself too much in this Irl and out. Also the therapy thing did’t work out.

Deleted user

Also the therapy thing did’t work out.

Mood. I convinced the therapist I was perfectly fine in a short ammount of time! What a lie that was…

@shining-just-for-you language

Number Two - Abel Nakamura
if you got abel then i recommend you go to therapy- this child is unhinged, extraordinarily mentally unstable, and the most gender icon you will ever come across. they are just- violent in every fashion and will kill you while cackling. they can also turn into water vapor molecules at will and take over your body via respiratory system. abel's favorite activity is playing the electric guitar, tending to his plants, and watching innocents bleed.

well this is fun
we can all make innocents bleed together

@larcenistarsonist group

Rhyda my love!!! I need to work on her character page smh

Also thank you Serpentess!!!! Abel is my favorite character at the moment just because if how batshit insane they are akkskdmd I have been told on multiple occasions that my character pages are unnecessarily detailed

@spacebluelily language

Number Four - Shea Garner
ohohoho, you got the mc- shea is a sarcastic opportunist who wants to desperately figure out her past. shea's determined, independent, and not somebody you would want on your bad side. shea can activate somebody's amygdala - the part of the brain that controls a reaction to fear - and send it into overdrive, even to the point where it can stop a man's heart. shea's favorite activities include running away from the other five assassins who are trying to kill her, playing the bass guitar and parkour.

ngl, i was kinda surprised at the results, but i got to admit, there's some things we both have in common

@squiddicus language

I got Rhyda and I love her already :D

I loved all the questions as well, they were super interesting and unique (unlike the primary school level ones I put in mine bahaha)

I don't know a think about American states though so I just clicked Virginia since it's got a nice name lmao

@Cadeverek group

Although my main character energy is debatable, the rest is fairly accurate
Tbh I expected to get Abel but eh, guess I'm just traumatized, not unhinged, sadly
and I really liked the questions my dude! Very fun and had some unique ideas, this Uquiz has the Wykie Approval Seal™

@trainwreck404 group

Number Three - Rhyda O'Connell
if you got rhyda, then you're a badass queen who doesn't take shit but is still chill. rhyda is a sarcastic cynic who likes to loudly pop her bubblegum when unamused and smiles like a demon when she's interested in something. rhyda is a sniper and gunwoman, known for her dead accurate aim, despite her blindness. rhyda can see everything in a twenty mile radius by feeling the vibrations in the earth and air. when she's given a specific vibration, she can track her target like a bloodhound. rhyda enjoys listening to queen on her classic record players, playing her drums and reading ww2 records translated to braille.

whoa it's me if I were a badass. I'm not nearly this cool, but I love her vibes so much.