forum A place to share your 'cringy' characters, fandom and old ocs that are just a little bit too silly.
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

We all had that fandom oc, cringy oc we made when we were 9, and that one just- a little too wild oc. Well it's time to take them out the drafts and slap them down here to give them the light they need. hell- maybe a little grass will help.

This is a judgement free zone. we can laugh, joke and such, just don't be a jerk. If this gets posts, I may even share my ocs.

@Cadeverek group


okay so… I think 80% of my OCs fall in the cringy category tbh, so I'll go with only one for now and maybe later a few more.

William - Started off as a FNAF "OC". And why in quotes? Because.. well… his original universe was just FNAF with the concept of Fusion from Steven Universe. Give me a break ok? I was just an autistic 11 year old in the Year Of Our Lord 2016, alright?? Well, that universe featured several fusions of the animatronics, and one in particular was a mix of Puppet and Purple Guy. No, not "William Afton", purple guy, the one that the FNAF fandom called "Vincent" back in these olden days. He was a tall, emo, depressed alcoholic who was super "ugh whatever" and cared about no one. Funnily enough, he was what nowadays could be considered genderfluid, but at the time I had NO IDEA this existed and was actually a huge homo/transphobe (double irony bc now I'm trans lol). Throughout the years, I kinda moved on from my FNAF phase and started creating stories that were more grounded in my own reality, middle school (AUDIENCE GASPS IN HORROR). So William became instead of a half-corpse-half-animatronic edgy ass genderfluid mf, a tall shy depressed teenager with gigantism and a very feminine frame that he was ashamed of, not too far from my own thoughts and feelings (although I'm short as a dwarf, but "it's not me guys, he is TALL and I am SHORT, it can't possibly be a self-insert!!"). As I grew older, so did his plots mature, but they still reflected the realities I went though but with some added pizzazz. A problematic family that was too protective physically but neglectful emotionally, the life in a very mid city of a 3rd world country, loving your best friend that doesn't love you back and thinking your friends are only here because they pity you, being stuck in a body that feels painfully wrong and being bullied for things out of your control. His personality did quite a 180 from his unapologetically chaotic-neutral self from 2016. By 2019, I was in highschool and so was he. I kinda used him as a vessel to reflect on my own thoughts and feelings at the end.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group


okay so… I think 80% of my OCs fall in the cringy category tbh, so I'll go with only one for now and maybe later a few more.

William - Started off as a FNAF "OC". And why in quotes? Because.. well… his original universe was just FNAF with the concept of Fusion from Steven Universe. Give me a break ok? I was just an autistic 11 year old in the Year Of Our Lord 2016, alright?? Well, that universe featured several fusions of the animatronics, and one in particular was a mix of Puppet and Purple Guy. No, not "William Afton", purple guy, the one that the FNAF fandom called "Vincent" back in these olden days. He was a tall, emo, depressed alcoholic who was super "ugh whatever" and cared about no one. Funnily enough, he was what nowadays could be considered genderfluid, but at the time I had NO IDEA this existed and was actually a huge homo/transphobe (double irony bc now I'm trans lol). Throughout the years, I kinda moved on from my FNAF phase and started creating stories that were more grounded in my own reality, middle school (AUDIENCE GASPS IN HORROR). So William became instead of a half-corpse-half-animatronic edgy ass genderfluid mf, a tall shy depressed teenager with gigantism and a very feminine frame that he was ashamed of, not too far from my own thoughts and feelings (although I'm short as a dwarf, but "it's not me guys, he is TALL and I am SHORT, it can't possibly be a self-insert!!"). As I grew older, so did his plots mature, but they still reflected the realities I went though but with some added pizzazz. A problematic family that was too protective physically but neglectful emotionally, the life in a very mid city of a 3rd world country, loving your best friend that doesn't love you back and thinking your friends are only here because they pity you, being stuck in a body that feels painfully wrong and being bullied for things out of your control. His personality did quite a 180 from his unapologetically chaotic-neutral self from 2016. By 2019, I was in highschool and so was he. I kinda used him as a vessel to reflect on my own thoughts and feelings at the end.

Feels like when I started reading this, it was silly but slowly became all too relatable.

It’s really deep how William started off as a carryover from FNAF (albeit disjointed one), but became more unique over time as you poured more of your soul juice into it.

@Eli-the-transboi group

welp. i have three ocs. one's newer but still funny to me, then another is older that ive redone, then the last i havent even wrote down XD

HH oc: (hazbin hotel)

Artagan, a fallen angel landed in hell is completely confused about why exactly he fell. His best guess? He was exactly like Lucifer. This makes the ex angel seek out revenge on heaven and the ones who betrayed him. Not only does this angel join the council, but he also seems to gain ties with Alastor and other outside sources.

Looks: blackened eyes, long curly red hair and short stature. (4'7) He has a slightly rounded face with almond shaped eyes and a 'button nose' as some have called it. He typically wears alternative and dressy clothing like suits, button ups, ties and vests with lots of chains, jewelry and accessories.

extra: Artagan is Scottish Gaelic. He typically doesn't answer certian questions straight on. Such as his name, age, height and origins.


Ester, a grieving young man takes a job at the very place his younger brother was tragically murdered to figure out the secrets and lies hidden just below the surface. With time, strategy and strength, Ester is able to find the truth behind his brother's death. Yet…at a cost.

Looks: soft brown eyes, short fluffy brown hair and a thin face. Ester stands just at 5'8, and is thin enough to crawl through tight spaces. his usual clothing is an oversized hoodie, loose jeans and a beanie with slip on shoes.

Extra: Ester hardly ever speaks. He mainly communicates through text, writing, grunts and body language.

@Cadeverek group

Feels like when I started reading this, it was silly but slowly became all too relatable.
It’s really deep how William started off as a carryover from FNAF (albeit disjointed one), but became more unique over time as you poured more of your soul juice into it.

Thank you! This recycling of OCs of mine seems to happen quite often actually. Similarly I had a set of OCs that were genderbent versions of some fnaf animatronics but that was in 2014/2015 and I never carried them over to a more "original" version lol.

Artagan, a fallen angel landed in hell is completely confused about why exactly he fell.

okay but this OC kinda slaps tho ngl????? The cringe factor is mostly for being a HH OC but I feel like if it was in an original IP of yours it would actually not be considered cringe at all

Now, my absolutely favorite OC nowadays is Simon, and although he isn't part of a fandom, I think he fits the cringe factor quite well lol. He started off in 2019 as a "token hacker-type character", in a story just as undefined as his personality lol. He was supposed to be just the "occasional help" for the protagonist Paul, and they were, respectively, the embodiment of the chemical elements Silicon and Polonium. Simon was gonna be the laid-back, really smart academically but lowkey kinda stupid outside of that scope, and was kind of a druggie, pretty much the stereotype of a hacker. Originally he was very tall (around 1.90m or roughly 6'3) and VERY skinny. 3 years later in 2022, my eating disorders were on their peak and I kinda just randomly decided to work on that universe a little more. I got attached to Simon kinda randomly and, much like William, I decided to use him to explore my own struggles. He was really skinny, so now he was canonically anorexic, and because of that I thought "hmm, if he's anorexic… he was probably chubbier before the disease, right?" and I drew him that way and OMG I FELL IN LOVEEEE! Not even joking, that actually made me start considering recovery (I'm 1 year in recovery now in 2024 btw) because "he looks so much cuter as a chubby guy than as a skinny guy, why can't the same be applicable for me?". And as I got attached to him I again poured a little more of myself in his personality, particularly my mannerisms. So… turns out those mannerisms were actually autism and I found that out like 10 months ago, WAY after I created Simon. I guess we can say we were both "diagnosed later on" :'). I consider Simon to be "cringy", but not because he is badly written anymore. In fact, he is among my top 3 most developed OCs, and I think he has a great level of nuance and conflict, and unlike William that was basically me with a few extra trinkets, Simon is much more of his own standalone character with certain aspects I can relate to, and his story is much more complex than William's as well. His story is mostly about self-esteem, specially focusing with the feeling of not fitting in with other people and not conforming to beauty standards, not out of choice (he just has bad genetics and some health issues). It has a major focus on eating disorders as well, and often touches on the "othered" feeling of being autistic, and most importantly the feeling of shame all of that brings, which is why he prefers to not confront those realities directly or head-on very often. It also heavily features toxic relationships and the "ugly" sides of depression, like not leaving the house, messiness and neglecting your own health, as well as self-harm (in more than just the "usual" way) and suicide, instead of portraying it like some poetic martyrdom as it often is. He is cringe because he just enbodies cringe culture, he is a huge nerd, partakes in fandom activity often, he wears shirts with bad puns about programming and acts kinda silly (mostly because it's his way to be positive despite being depressed), he is cringy but not cringe, HE IS CRINGE BUT HE IS FREE

also, he is one of the few OCs of mine that does end up having a happy ending :] I know he is not a "unique" character and I'm not being avant-garde, but hey, the whole point is that he is just some guy and not really special so I guess I can pretend my mediocrity has meaning

@Eli-the-transboi group


also thx TvT Im thinking about turning my HH oc around and making him more of an original concept. like a fallen angel out for revenge and he ends up basically becoming a Mafia boss type dude. ^^ I like doing that to my characters from fandoms. just make them their own thing.

@aekv group

this is very nondescript, but pretty much every OC i made in middle school (with a few exceptions) tended to be very stereotypical "alt". crazy hair & eye colors (cause i was attracted to those who had colorful hair/contact lenses/other accessories), missing or deceased parents (cause i have sweet, sweet trauma) and absolutely badass, take-no-shit, sailor-mouth personalities (cause i was a meek little kid who wanted to be like that).

but i think we all did that a bit in middle school

@Eli-the-transboi group

XD yep. I had an oc named Gina who was kinda like that. then it switched to geno when I got SUPER obsessed with undertale, then I decided to keep the name but remake the oc into a shaggy haired semi stoner dude who's father is literal Satan, then I changed the name to Geo, made him Italian with black curly hair and a good dad but dead mom and brother. now in my current rp he's in, he's now a dad of 16, over 2000 years old, has a wife and boyfriend, his mom and brother are alive again, and he's a great great grandpa. ^^ I'm very proud of him and very bonded to that oc.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group


also thx TvT Im thinking about turning my HH oc around and making him more of an original concept. like a fallen angel out for revenge and he ends up basically becoming a Mafia boss type dude. ^^ I like doing that to my characters from fandoms. just make them their own thing.

Go for it! Artagan sounds super cool as a concept.

Honestly, that type of character is the sort that I really wanted from Hazbin Hotel, just a true morally grey character that was screwed over by Heaven and lashed out because of it. Of course, I can’t say whether the show will have a similar type of character in the future, but I can say that with the direction their going in, that’s likely not what’s going to happen in the show, especially with a confirmed Season 2.

I don’t hate the show obviously, but I do see a lot of missed potential on the ideas it presented (How to get into Heaven? is Hell ethical? What makes a person “good”? To name a few), as it could’ve probably been so much more interesting if they introduced someone that didn’t neatly fit into the Winner and Sinner Archetypes into the show to demonstrate the flawed system, or whatever VivziePop and crew were able to conceive of next.

So, I guess that’s my really long-winded roundabout way of saying hell yes. I would really love to see him in a story of yours! And I think there’s a lot of people that’d like to see him too :)

@Eli-the-transboi group

XD thx. I like doing the "what if" kinda things in fandoms and adding more of what is there, and adding onto it. but I may do a rip off of HH and write that story with my dude. (fun fact, his wings are broken, so they drag behind him like a cape.)

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

XD thx. I like doing the "what if" kinda things in fandoms and adding more of what is there, and adding onto it. but I may do a rip off of HH and write that story with my dude. (fun fact, his wings are broken, so they drag behind him like a cape.)

Me too! I love taking things that could’ve been so much better (at least IMO) and rewriting them to succeed in their goals.

Can’t wait to see that story!

(Cool piece of trivia there. Why do I have a feeling drawings exist of him somewhere out there?)

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

(XD probably- nothing is truly an original concept. butttt he does also wear his broken halo as a crown.)


Why do I feel like the creators of Hazbin Hotel are going to pull something like this with Lute?

@Eli-the-transboi group

(XD probably- nothing is truly an original concept. butttt he does also wear his broken halo as a crown.)


Why do I feel like the creators of Hazbin Hotel are going to pull something like this with Lute?

honestly lute would suck unless they redesigned her and gave her a 'redemption' arch. what I WOULD like is if they came up with basically my character and did that where it would add more depth and questions to the show. literally as you said making people irl and in the show question what is good and what is bad. I'm also taking my religion as an example, but in most pagan folklore, the Christian god and his son are criminals because they think they are the only gods and want all the power for themselves, so they're imprisoned by the other gods. so, the Christian god is the bad guy here while all the others are just playing fair and how the system is supposed to work. thats what I want in hazbin. I wanna see the deep topics like what they tackled with angel. hell, alastor's arch of him being owned is something I wanna see. I wanna see sensitive topics tackled in a broad way.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

(XD probably- nothing is truly an original concept. butttt he does also wear his broken halo as a crown.)


Why do I feel like the creators of Hazbin Hotel are going to pull something like this with Lute?

honestly lute would suck unless they redesigned her and gave her a 'redemption' arch. what I WOULD like is if they came up with basically my character and did that where it would add more depth and questions to the show. literally as you said making people irl and in the show question what is good and what is bad. I'm also taking my religion as an example, but in most pagan folklore, the Christian god and his son are criminals because they think they are the only gods and want all the power for themselves, so they're imprisoned by the other gods. so, the Christian god is the bad guy here while all the others are just playing fair and how the system is supposed to work. thats what I want in hazbin. I wanna see the deep topics like what they tackled with angel. hell, alastor's arch of him being owned is something I wanna see. I wanna see sensitive topics tackled in a broad way.

Yeah. Felt like Lute's role was either changed last minute or they didn't really think on how to make her stick out from her boss besides making her monochrome, more professional, and more unlikeable (somehow).

I'd love to see someone from Hell that just straight up hates how the system works. Like they were a good, law-abiding citizen that did nothing wrong in their life but was sent to hell over being considered to embody sloth or something. Then they'd just scheme to piss on Heaven's sanctimonious parade. They know they're not going to do a damn thing to Heaven, but they don't care. They just hate them and their theatrics. This hypothetical character hates the fact that apparently, all it takes to be damned to an eternal stay in Hell is just the fact that they can't serve society to the max since they have a physical or mental disability.

Maybe a character unalived themselves because they couldn't take life anymore, only to end up in Hell for their supposed "sin", and they just spend the show wondering what's wrong with them? How can they make up for their suffering in the mortal plane?

As you said, I hope they do something with the apparent lack of an Abrahamic-esque God in this universe if the Angelic Council is anything to go off. Maybe they can work with a deeply flawed creator, or a well-meaning creator that's frustrated by their creations. Really anything that isn't the milk-toast infallible Abrahamic-style God.