@Mojack group
Truth be told, you’re far from an average person. Whether or not you want an average life was never up to you. You were made for this job. This unfortunate work, all because man could not help but abuse powers they couldn’t control.
What powers? Powers that change a person, mentally and physically. The power must be taken in limitation. Even then, it’s extremely unstable. You’re one of the few working in the force with a little bit of this power flowing through your veins. It doesn’t give you any physical attributes, at least not ones visible from a glance at you. But you can heal faster, heal from wounds that would kill most people (although not destruction of vital organs or loss of your head; so you’re still trained to avoid becoming injured, and trained to deal with basic ones, but far from any medic). You have slightly better reflexes, senses - some of your coworkers believe your ‘type’ to have a danger sense, able to detect it before it even stumbles upon you. Of course, your type isn’t thrown first for a mission, unless it’s been judged to be extremely dangerous. You’re only reserved for when the other guys have tried (and failed).
They called it the Blood of Eorr (pronounced Ore). That’s what makes you so special. That’s what’s in you. From a young age, it was injected into you, whether your parents requested it or not. Your parents were members of the department, so maybe, one of them did recommend you for the tests. Some people are more suited to taking the Blood of Eorr into their systems. They react better. You’re not sure what a bad reaction would look like.
Nobody knows where the Blood of Eorr came from. It was utilized by early civilizations, and for a brief time, those civilizations dominated - but became corrupt, and burned up from the inside out, little left to scavenge. The Blood left destruction wherever it flowed.
And since the arms race, worldwide sort of thing - countries, illegal groups - have been utilizing the Blood of Eorr to develop supersoldiers. Weapons, flawless ones. Except the Blood of Eorr isn’t so stable. Yours is a light enough dosage it’s contained within your system, and for whatever reason, your cells are able to coexist with it.
Combined with a high dose, and a body that can’t coexist with it, the Blood engages in a battle with the rest of the cells - a battle quickly won by the Blood. This turns the subject into something of nightmares. Most of them remain vaguely human, turning more zombie like and feral in mind, with little concept of self preservation.
Sometimes, the Blood mutates uncontrollably. It does a smaller version of this within yourself (albeit controlled) when healing from wounds. But when the Blood mutates uncontrollably, the body and mind breaks. Whatever goal the person had before is still kept in mind - but now they’re set on accomplishing it by any means necessary. Even if others die. They don’t care. They’re all just flesh or food to them.
When the first few incidents happened, multiples countries formed treaties and agreements, making the Blood of Eorr illegal to use. Instead, focus was turned to fighting against it. That’s why the department existed - to eliminate these threats. From taking down labs dedicated to producing Eorr for shipments, to fighting the mutated themselves.
You’re no stranger to death.
Your next mission is to intercept a shipment of the Blood - a truck convoy in Eastern Europe. The mission is as followed - by the time of your arrival, the convoy will be on a long road heading further east. The area is extremely flat, field-like, leaving little option for any sort of ambush. The higher ups opted to go for a vehicular approach - three armoured vans, 8 in each van (two in the front, six in the back), 24 members of the task force including you. The first van will ram the rear part of the convoy, allowing your van (the second one) to move up. From that point on, the third van will follow and you will both quickly open fire on the convoy, aiming for the drivers initially to have them stop driving.
Once you have dealt with hostiles, retrieve the cases of the Blood, call it in, and return.
That’s how it should have happened.
Except someone else intercepted the truck before you.
RP in which you play as an advanced (slightly genetically modified) human apart of a world government associated group that dedicates itself to taking down illegal groups who hold the “Blood of Eorr.”
Except something happens on a mission, and you’re introduced to the possibility that there are far more parties in this situation than you could have ever imagined.
And that there are things you’ve never seen before.
Like a guy who can control large scale mutations.
- in its purest form, Blood of Eorr is slightly thick (but not syrupy), gold in colour. If injected this way, the person usually becomes a mindless zombie.
- In its modified form (which humans have been doing for thousands of years), Blood of Eorr is a bit more watery, easier for the body to intake, and slightly transparent. Blood is injected via needles. In order to keep the Blood stable, they’re stored in cases of 0 degrees Celsius. The blood will remain stable outside of a case for 15 minutes.
- Uncontrollable mutations can be practical or not. The subject is in extreme pain before they occur, but that pain is brief before their mind essentially “degrades”.
- The origin of the Blood of Eorr is unknown. The name originates from a god that one of the first civilizations to utilize the blood believed in - Eorr, god of harvest. It was believed Eorr allowed humans to use his blood in times of strife.
- You were 8 when the Blood was given to you. Essentially everything in your life was paid for by the department, although they allowed you to go to a normal school for a period of time. Others outside of the department would not be aware of your modifications.
- Your abilities include enhanced regeneration, resistance, reflexes, and senses. Additionally, you cannot be infected by mutants (if they are able to infect, that is. not all mutants are infecting ones, some are just killers)
- You haven’t fought many uncontrolled mutants, as they’re very rare, although you’ve dealt with the mutant ‘zombies’ before. If you want an exact number, that’s up to you (the max limit for uncontrolled mutants is ‘5’)
- The Department of Anti-Mutant Defence (DAMD) is a collective effort, not belonging to one single government. Countries signed into the treaty often have members in DAMD. Therefore, it is up to you as to what nationality you wish to make your character.
- DAMD is commonly pronounced as “Damned”
- Your parents were associated with DAMD at some point, be they apart of a task force, research division, management, or anything else you can thing of. Whether they are around or not is up to you. (‘around’ doesn’t mean dead or alive, they may have retired at some point. or maybe one died, etc etc. All up to you)
- Controlling large scale mutations is unheard of. Until now…
- The existence of DAMD is public knowledge, and people know there’s modified humans, but have no clue who they are.
- Mature RPers preferred due to violence content of RP.
- Sexytimes, should they happen, are fade to black as I’m not comfortable RPing that stuff.
- Swearing is allowed. Along with blood and violence (of course), Judy note there’s a time and place for everything.
- In fights, play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses. Don’t autohit, but don’t dodge everything either.
- Good grammar and punctuation greatly appreciated.
- ask before joining, if I do not recall your writing style, I will ask for a sample with dialogue! Please don’t be bothered if you’re denied, it’s nothing against you!
- I am not very active, but I can have sudden jumps in activity. I don’t know how to explain it.
- I really want any potential partners to know - if I appear to ‘ghost’ the RP, it is 100% not against you. I’m just a very awkward person overall and my thought process goes something like this once I come back from a long break “well I’m not sure if they’d want to continue this…” Again, I don’t really know how to explain this! But if you see me online, and want to continue the RP, feel free to send a message (either through pm or in the RP).
Age: (21-25)
Background: (only parts I do ask you to remember is that you were injected with the Blood of Eorr at 8, allowed to go to normal school but received additional DAMD education and training. refer to the notes as needed)
Other: (any extra info goes here. fun facts, notes about their voice, quirks, etc)