A-RW-AT-45 Forward Fang
Aircraft - Fixed Wing - Attack Transport
AAF Assault Helicopter
Aluminum, Alloys
Various Camo schemes
230 mph
550 km
Avionics, Integrated Weapons, transport capacity for 8 soldiers
22k lbs
Various different paint schemes and loadouts
Aircrew, Maintenance
Military Pilot Training
The A-RW-AT-45 Forward Fang is an AAF coaxial rotary wing, Tandem seat attack helicopter with additional transport capability. It features an integrated avionics and weapons system with internal electro-optical and radar targeting systems. It has additional space in the fuselage for 8 combat equipped soldiers.
The A-RW-AT-45 Forward Fang is equipped with a 25mm revolving autocannon and two winglets that allow the attachment of various expendable weapons across 6 external hardpoints.
The A-RW-AT-45 Forward Fang was created with the idea of a flying infantry fighting vehicle that could tactically deploy soldiers and provide fire support.
They are often used as part of an air cavalry assault force to give transports more embedded firepower while other attack helicopters, such as the A-RW-A-47 Forward Fierce, provide more maneuverable support.
In more specialized roles, the A-RW-AT-45 Forward Fang operates in teams of two pairs, so called hunter-killer forces. These provide highly maneuverable quick response forces for any kind of threat.

This vehicle was created by GRUsturmovik on Notebook.ai.
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