info Overview
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This universe contains...
6 characters reorder
group Characters close
group David Simmons Jean's brother
group Ran a resident in the rehab facility
group Micheale Rohan the fourth She handles the important documents of the center
group Norritan Faculty at the rehab center
group Jean Green Faculty at the rehab center
group Obrin

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Edel's Blanket A huge expanse of Snow covered Land filled with dangerous wild life
terrain The Great Tilian Swamp A huge expanse of forest that tapers of into swamp the more west you travel. Few things are capable of besides the highly adapted wildlife

1 country reorder
flag Countries close
flag Solaun Republic This is the largest human country in Eros

2 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Great Deer Despite their name, these creatures are more closely related to moose. They have a long, slim snout with a white stripe marking on the top.
pets Arctic Drake Huge wingless dragon-like creatures with thick white scales.

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc Kettering Rehabilitation and General Clinic for Non-humans A rather large rehab/clinic that mainly houses non-humans.

2 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Shadow Magic Dark magic that allows the user to control shadows, enter and exit others shadows, and control people.
flash_on Ice magic Magic that sucks all warmth from the area, replacing it with ice

8 races reorder
face Races close
face Snow Cloaked Incubus Northern Incubi that are indigenous to the mountains
face Humans Your typical human race. In this universe, however, they are rather diverse and have many subspecies
face Baku Almost completely human like, but are able to devour nightmares
face Black Incubus Black feathered variant of Incubus. Lean with short tails and have four toes, two pointing forward and two back
face Incubus feathered beings with six limbs (arms legs and wings) Color varies widely
face Black legged Incubi Northern Incubi with long, ink black legs
face Centaur
face Lupin Human like people with the ability to change into wolves

2 scenes reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies The new guy
local_movies Attack on the Rehab center An anti-nonhuman cult decided to raise some hell at the rehab center as a warning that all non-humans are not welcome

1 town reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Chagin Rather large town that houses a wide demagraphic

This universe was created by Reana smith on

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