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This universe contains...
3 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Alex Elderwood Town Healer/witch/wizard
group Polyxio Thesbi Alex's helper. mostly a background character, but interacts with others sometimes. Runs messages.
group AJ Fleshman background character

5 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Esrule walking on the ground, you do not notice this village unless you look up, or you can find the hidden 'elevator'(a cage attached to a rope that can be cranked so it lifts to village entrance). Once ...
terrain Roaring Haven has no official name, but was dubbed the Roaring Haven because everywhere you go, you can hear the roar of machinery.
terrain Planet of Lyfe chunks of rock mulling around universe
terrain Planet of Lyfe chunks of rock mulling around universe
terrain Echo Moon magic exists | covered in forests, jungles, and oceans.

5 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Pendant of Life Green. glass. leaf-shaped.
emoji_events Wand of Bubbles looks like a normal bubble wand with a magic rune carved in the handle
emoji_events Band of Health emerald in center, with smaller amethysts on either side
emoji_events Band of Health emerald in center, with smaller amethysts on either side
emoji_events Polyxio's Staff made of a dark wood. many craved designs. There is 3 notches that Polyxio refuses to talk about.

This universe was created by Liz on

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