info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Dnd realm

Genre - What genre best describes Dnd realm ?


Description - How would you describe Dnd realm ?

Strife and chaos amoung the races and gods with magic and swords abound

book History
History - What is Dnd realm ’s history?

The gods were bored. They created a world with water plants and wildlife. Then they dropped in a little chaos. The races started to appear. Slowly over time things got wierd

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Dnd realm ?

Dnd 5e magic

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Dnd realm ?

Normal physics

edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Jordan

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Skully(Jesse)

    Invited almost 7 years ago

This universe contains...
21 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Radas Vohneroth Mentor and betrayed to marelis and their kingdom
group Gustav Relen the third Emperor
group Frofas Clerok A leader of the black hare mercenaries
group Mars Rein Character traveling with the group searching for the pieces of the trident of the deep. Apart of the black hare mercenaries
group Iscat A leader of the black hare mercenaries
group Zelphan Dregner
group Mr Smiles Assassin in The Raiment under direct control of the emperor.
group Tulia Avunoth Marelis mother
group Redsyl A leader of the black hare mercenaries
group Gaesmonda Viessa Helevaris Character traveling with the group to find the pieces of the trident of the deep.
group Nyxia Embers Character traveling with the group looking for pieces of the trident of the deep.
group Dragaar Character traveling with the group to find the pieces of the trident of the deep
group Mor A leader of the black hare mercenaries
group Azala Tibonias King of Aquelias
group Orn Avunoth Marelis father
group Marelis Avunoth Paladin of ancients and travels with the group searching for the pieces of the trident of the deep. Captain the the navy of Aquelias
group Bolar A leader of the black hare mercenaries
group Lizalia Tibonias Queen of Aquelias
group Billin Bordal Adventurer
group Auron Avunoth Marelis brother
group Sarran Avunoth Marelis baby sister

8 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Aquellen Ocean Large expanse of water with islands dotted throughout
terrain Aquelias Triton city sitting at the edge of a crevice at the bottom of the ocean guarding the portal to the deep to keep the evil beings from the plane of water from coming through.
terrain Golden empire A kingdom renown for its gold and splendor
terrain Pirates grave Island where many ships have been wrecked or chased into by pirate hunters and pirates them selves. Has a multitude of columns creating whirlpools.
terrain Sea of Sand Wide expanse if dunes ruins and desert.
terrain Lost library of Akanan Ruin of ancient library
terrain The Nine Hells Nine circles of torment. Fire. Torture. Plots. Death. Demons and devils. Pure infused evil.
terrain Feywild

5 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Trident of the Deep This trident is beautifully carved in the shapes of waves and sea foam and brimming with the power of mother ocean her self. Greens pinks blues and yellows are worked throughout it to look like a c...
emoji_events Scythe of Eternal Damnation Black bladed scythe with bones as the shaft
emoji_events Dance in the Jade Boughs A bow made from a beautiful jade tree limb carved and sculpted to look like the wind
emoji_events Fangs of Jörmungandr Two swords bound together for eternity. When sheathed looks like a serpent biting its tail
emoji_events Fortunes Favor Looks like a six sided die with galaxies trapped inside

1 country reorder
flag Countries close
flag Golden kingdom Country known for its gold and splendor

1 creature reorder
pets Creatures close
pets War hippo Its a hippo. For war. Sometiems with armor

3 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc Cult of the Kraken
wc Black hare mercenaries Loose group of warriors for hire
wc The Raiment Group of people directly controlled by the Golden Emperor

1 town reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Meadow springs Trading and merchant hub at a crossroads

This universe was created by Jordan on with 1 contributor.

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