info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Echo Valley

Genre - What genre best describes Echo Valley?


Description - How would you describe Echo Valley?

A valley surrounded by an ocean, mountains, and a forest.

book History
History - What is Echo Valley’s history?

The original twelve zodiacs fought in a great battle and while they were fighting, they came across the valley which ultimately caused them to win the battle. They're cheers echoed across the valley hence the name.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Echo Valley?

Scrolls were inscribed with spells and the items, (such as weapons), were enchanted.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Echo Valley?

Just like Earth's.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
1 character reorder
group Characters close
group Aleck Swindle An Assassin out to prove his worth.

This universe was created by Krynn on

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