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This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Malcom Panner He is the main villian in my story, and the ruler of his own hellish universe.
group Brent Panner Main protagonist

5 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The upper lands a horrid place of eternal pain and suffering
terrain The fleshlands One of the lowest and worst parts of Shriker's hell. Made entirely out of flesh, bones, and blood, many have added to it's walls
terrain Shriker's lair The place where Shriker lives, the worst and most impossibly agonizing layer of Shriker's hell.
terrain The Forsaken hills A small group of floating hills covered in dense vegetation
terrain Blade Hollows A large connection of caves and catacombs full of metal spires

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Shriker's obelisk appears for 5 minutes in the upper lands before every apocalypse
emoji_events The reincarnators The only object able send people to layers of Shriker's hell higher than the layers they are in.

This universe was created by dabigman on

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