info Overview
Description - How would you describe Munbras?

kinda like Discworld but also very different

book History
gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Munbras?

It depends on the area you are in. If it is a small village then the amount of electricity in the air will be low so not a lot will work, this means that villages tend to involve a lot of manual work and fewer electronics. Whereas a large city will have a lot of electricity flowing through the air meaning more electronics can be used with ease.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Absconditum (AB-sCon-dit-ium) 1016 miles of woodland with a large city in the north-east, Oran castle in the west, Lolanthe (YO-lan-thuh) mansion inn the east, and the Morana castle in the south.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Unum Tenebris a pitch black sword that appears in the hand of it's owner when called for.
emoji_events vershwinen what ever is written is recorded in the book then vanishes. Also occasionally gives out advise.

This universe was created by alicia on

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