info Overview
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This universe contains...
5 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Harper Kiki Romano Main character
group Sawyer Jane Van Atkins Mainish character
group Rowan Isaac Lopez Main Character
group Abuela Martinez Grandmother to Rowan. Main caretaker and adult in Rowan's life.
group Lindsey Van Atkins Mother of Sawyer

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain New Laketown A nice town and full of glass buildings and home to the biggest aquarium in the world.

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Record Player A brown old fashion record player with the ability to play coded records.

1 country reorder
flag Countries close
flag New Soliva This is a basic country kinda like the size and climate of Canada and/or the USA

1 technology reorder
router Technologies close
router Electromagnetic suspension This (due to the force for magnetic energy) cause things to float.

2 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city East Lore Run down old suburban town
location_city Creskin A basic suburban high tech city with only 2 overlaps.

This universe was created by Emeri Moore on

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