info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Aphea?

Aphea is a broken world, shards of a planet floating randomly above a roiling void, its moon fragmented and smeared across the sky. Most of the broken shards are no larger than islands. The largest of them is Anai, an irregular diamond the size of a continent.
Humanity is fading, their former lands supplanted by the insectile Leptiniae and Phoriae, the lichenous Foliae, the stony Lithiae, and the serpentine Anguiliae, for while the magic flowing from the planet’s core changes it does not always harm. Life carries on, new civilizations are built atop the ruins of the old, the remnants of ancient magics sleep uneasily in abandoned cities, and the powerful pursue their own obsessions at the cost of those around them.
Life on Anai is generally pleasant. Easy availability of safe symbolic magic has wiped away many of life’s small difficulties, allowing art and trade to flourish. Dragons carefully push the world towards equilibrium, the stream of refugees from Pleu Trium is finally s, and trade caravans flow across the Reach. Just be careful not to stray off well-trodden paths, threaten the current order, or expose yourself to wild magic. Those wouldn’t be good ideas at all.

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4 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Gaelin Nethersole
group Heila Bramble
group Ayre Shanelis Half-Foliae Librarian, Deceased
group Josephine Aldithley Human scholar and wizard, formerly of the Fatsworth Institute.

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