info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Skye?


Description - How would you describe Skye?

After an intergalactic war that lasted over 60 years, the Skye Security Council has taken over the first colony outside the solar system. Since their control, the society has slowly went from a dream to a tightly secure workforce to make sure the planet is prepared for any future conflict. The new revolutionary group called the Freedom Hand sees through this injustice and plans to fight back and give the public a voice as well as the newly encountered J’iran.

book History
History - What is Skye’s history?

In the year 2021, astronomer Elias Skye discovered a star system approximately 29 lightyears from the solar system that contained 4 habitable planets. The one that was later in his interest after some research was the planet Skye, a planet containing many earth-like traits such as grass, a large ocean and so much more land to build on. Then, after discovering this new system Elias Skye proposed to make colonisation to these planets a dream come true. When the mission to mars in 2024 was successful with the Mars One mission, the research for a possible hyperdrive system to move to different star systems had started.

In 2130, the first shuttle that arrived to the newly named "Miracle System" landed on Skye. On arrival however, broadcasts were received with what the inhabitants on board stated a voice that sounded like a person was talking in an unknown language to them with a possible message. On the year 2131, the first sign of alien life was discovered.

In 2234, the city of Elias began construction on Skye as the newly formed Confederation of Colonised Planets (CCP) created more starships to allow more people to travel to the Miracle System. As more humans landed on the alien inhabited planets of Vila and Ruby, the other planets on the system named after Elias Skye’s daughters, they were at first welcomed, until the humans started building on the inhabited planet of Jira. Xenophobia against the humans began to grow within the J’iran race.

In the year 2245, thanks to increased building speeds from previous research many years before that would benefit Skye's new colony, the city was built just enough to allow a large number of humans to live there. However in the planet Jira, an act of war would be carried out as a human shipyard was destroyed by J'iran insurgents and soon after, the humans went on a high state of security before eventually waging war on the J'iran race. This would start the first war in space in all of human history which would last 60 years ending in a close human victory, when every starship fired every weapon on the planet. This was called the Last Resort, which drained a lot of resources and ammunition of Earth but made the J’iran surrender and let the humans win the war. The war ended in 2304.

The CCP was dissolved because of lack of funds as well as the loss of faith and trust due to the pointless loss of life of humans and J'irans alike which was pointed towards CCP to be the blame. Skye is the last remaining colony in the Miracle System now and during the restoration period, the rebuilding of Skye began.

In the year 2320, the city's progress has been
increased massively to 50% as more people and now the newly allied J’iran moved to Skye to work there. A new organisation called the Skye Security Council, (SSC) was created, starting a fair trade with Earth.

A century later, in 2420 the city is now fully functional with police, more jobs and transport. The SSC proposes to start its own colonisation movement which is met with mixed reaction and a group called the Freedom Hand being made, that proposes that "Skye is the limit."

In 2442, the Freedom Hand (now called the Freedom Fist) has grown a huge interest from the public and the SSC increases it's control on the population by enforcing more laws in controlling data, surveillance and controlling the media to make sure the right kind of news goes out to the public.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Skye?

The ability to travel outside the solar system and increased building and architecture.

edit Notes
history Changelog
folder_open Conflicts
This universe contains...
1 character reorder
group Characters close
group Caine Ventilo The secondary antagonist, brother of the main protagonist.

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