info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Singularity

Description - How would you describe The Singularity?

The result of a collapse of every fictional world into a single instance.

Genre - What genre best describes The Singularity?

Due to the nature of the world, the genre can morph to whatever is needed.

date_range History
gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Singularity?

Very much like the real world's physics, with the addition of physics breaking magic. D&d 3.5 and 5e

Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Singularity?

Much of the power is created by crystals, revolving at absurd speeds. Homes, vehicles, and machinery are powered by this innovation. Other than that, there is no real limit to what could be found in this universe.

edit Notes
This universe contains...
7 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Archbishop Julian Allgood Scientist, Quest giver, employer, Archivist 15
group Dustee Caverns Historian by trade, empowered half-elf woman by choice
group Ron Garland Zotheog mayor, ally to x PC's
group Randall Flagg Antagonist, keeper of Black 13
group Margles Mann Wizard
group Chupke "Cupcake" Player character, Rogue by trade, hipster before it was cool
group Butch Alison Cassidy Bartender/innkeeper in Dou Young, girlfriend (fwb,?) To Cupcake

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Dou Young Bustling hub for the continent
terrain Zotheog Recovering politically from previous leaders dictatorship

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events 7 Dragonballs of Shenron 7 separated orange balls with between 1-7 red stars contained inside, no matter the angle the full amount of stars are always visible

The Singularity appears in the following documents

This universe was created by Corey on

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