info Overview
book History
gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Ours?

Alchemy rules

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Ours?

semi modern

edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Jorden

    Created universe almost 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Adrian Thorp

    Invited almost 7 years ago

This universe contains...
32 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Animals God of Animals
group East East Storm God
group South South Storm God
group North North Storm God
group Mystery God(dess) of Mystery
group Art God(dess) of Fine Arts
group Star Goddess of Stars
group Brisingr God(dess) of Fire
group night God(dess) of Night
group day God(dess) of Day
group Rich God(dess) of Riches
group Dream God(dess) of Dreams
group Somantris Truth
group Spook God(dess) of Ghosts
group Crafty God of Craftmenship
group Intimacy God(dess) of Intimacy
group Beauty God(dess) of Beauty
group Love God(dess) of Love
group Ocean God of Ocean
group Father Time God of Time
group Koryn God of Rulership
group Braum God of Humanity
group Ekronis Fallen God of Duality
group Aelia God(dess) of Sun
group Esmeray God(dess) of Moon
group Florentina Vinrath Goddess of Plants
group Rylin God(dess) of Karma
group Maltern God of Death
group Genta God(dess) of Freedom
group Delmantor God of War (Emotional)
group Racone God of Knowledge
group Allania Goddess of Life

3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Santon
terrain Cretola Ivory, gold and silver make the buildings. Gothic ideas with the color palet make a beautiful idea.
terrain Sorrento, Italy

This universe was created by Jorden on with 1 contributor.

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