info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Aethr?


Description - How would you describe Aethr?

A planet ruled by gods

book History
History - What is Aethr’s history?

If I'm speaking for the gods here, Aethr actually happened out of boredom and competition...each god wanted to see who could create the best island that represented their element, and when they were finished, they realized that the planet was actually habitable and pretty nice(excluding a few locations)! Eventually, they created all the different species that you can find today, and called the world Aethr.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Aethr?

Magic consists of twelve different types of magic granted to Aethrians(one of the intelligent species that live on Aethr, pronounced a-THERE-ee-ans)by the gods and goddesses that control the planet. Each Aethrian can only have one of twelve powers, which determines their place in society. These powers can be fire, water, earth, air, light, shadow, time, sound, life, death, chemical, and psychic.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Aethr?

Technology is present, but Aethrians don't really need it and actually consider some types of technology a waste/burden. Cars? You can just fly, and even if you don't have wings, you can always use some sort of teleportation, or even a bike. They're healthier for the environment and more fun anyways.

edit Notes

Not much about Aethr is going to be here. However, anything on my profile is going to be set in Aethr, so if you want to know anything take a look at the other pages!

history Changelog
This universe contains...
1 character reorder

This universe was created by Gray on

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