info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Time is Broken

Description - How would you describe Time is Broken?

time shattered and crashed together, breaking reality a bit. now, all parts of history, what we know today, and all of the future, have been shoved together in one big mess. as for the broken reality bit, how's your knowledge on mythology?

Genre - What genre best describes Time is Broken?

fantasy, sci-fi, idk???
it's a lot of things

book History
History - What is Time is Broken’s history?

Time shattered long ago during a mysterious event known only as 'The Shattering' no one knows exactly what happened since it was so long ago, but now time has mixed. old and new collide, myth is now truth, and war happens everyday. new groups arise constantly, either offering solutions to peace and how to fix time, or corrupting the world even further.
Nothing is the cause for the shattering, a long forgotten deity who wanted for nothing more than to never be alone. it did what it had to do. well, that's what it believes anyway.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Time is Broken?

depends on where you are. some places it's super advanced, in others it's not so much.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Time is Broken?

relatively normal, a few things here and there that don't make sense.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Time is Broken?

anything that exists in history or stories.

edit Notes


history Changelog
This universe contains...
38 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Silvius Friesen
group Natt Mourdon personification of the night / queen of Vraekar kingdom
group Tatius Agosti sniper and dark magic user
group Tenebris
group Life a protagonist
group Time important
group Nomius Wheytraft science experiment
group Yaedin Mourdon Prince and heir to Vraekar kingdom
group Death well I mean,,, he's death,,,,
group Akito Katsuki protagonist
group Tyler Génial [hero/neutral] bounty hunter
group Loki Volodar mage
group Vorex Mourdon science experiment hybrid
group Adonis Friesen deceased husband
group Austin Friesen
group Emma Shepard protagonist
group Hannah Penner protagonist
group Cedrix Cyrus Claustem antagonist
group (Iidake - temporary name)
group Nothing "in the beginning, Nothing existed..."
group Space
group Dagiia a deity
group Alasdair Archibald Tod serial killer / works for Death
group Noah Kornelson [hero] military engineer/hacker
group Friend scientist's A.I.
group Takeo Katsuki assassin/stealth dude in the military
group Carmen Friesen protagonist
group Saraia Embroden scientist
group Apophis Lonestel science experiment hybrid (works for antagonists)
group Zavis Mourdon king of Vraekar kingdom
group Switch scientist's A.I.
group Claudia Agosti protagonist
group Brad Parker protagonist
group Justin La Fleur [neutral] Tyler's sidekick
group Livana Leventi serial killer / worker for Death
group Miko Nomura ( or surname first: Nomura Miko ) serial killer / works for Death
group Neo scientist's A.I.
group Hazel Jones hacker

7 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Vraekar Kingdom (West Kingdom) night time all the time everytime
terrain Nulka region the exact North of this world
terrain Enyth Kingdom (East Kingdom) day all day everyday
terrain Iteoka region the exact south of the world
terrain Troxa plains a place of perpetual sunset/sunrise
terrain Haeza islands islands off the coast of Vraekar
terrain The Silk Slayers two lady killers

4 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Mörkets Blad 'tis death's scythe
emoji_events Hikari No Sutaffu 'tis Life's magic staff
emoji_events تميمة الوقت ( Tamimat Alwaqt ) a time amulet, helps time take care of time
emoji_events Foireann Naofa ( holy staff ) made of gold and silver and decorated with many gems

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