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This universe contains...
17 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Vexx a being of total evil
group Oaldir god of the ocean
group Suaos god of the sky
group Uvmus god of the sun
group Hadriy god of misery
group Naywu goddess of the moon, she is evil sort of
group Yelia Goddess of tranquility
group Zira Goddess of death and journeys
group Calo god of revenge
group Qyva goddess of logic and the sciences
group Kendall god of love
group Zopara Goddess of judgement
group Penros God of wisdom
group Cosmos The first son of Junja, god of order
group Hewdione goddess of the hunt
group Sjax the Terrible god of chaos
group Edyja Goddess of music

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Airgid Calo's silver fox

This universe was created by Erislol on

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