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This universe contains...
18 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Bianca Iclyn Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Ice and Snow as well as the Goddess of Ice and Snow
group Zoe Nightshade Bearer of the Legends Crystal of the Moon as well as the Goddess of the Moon and Night
group Madison Rushkov Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Metal Manipulation as well as the Goddess of Metal
group Maxis Mentia Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Energy Manipulation as well as the God of Energy Manipulation
group Skye Breeze Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Air and Wind Manipulation as well as the Goddess of Air and Wind
group Elyzabith Storm In effort to live up to her fathers legacy, She takes up the throne of Mythia and leads the nation with all her power.
group Ashton Flare Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Fire as well as the God of Fire
group Alexis Neutro Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Psychic Powers as well as the Goddess of Psychic Powers
group Draco Adder Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Poison as well as the God of Poison
group Aurora Aonani Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Light as well as the Goddess of Light
group Terren Bardo Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Earth as well as the God of Earth
group Lucifer Shade Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Death as well as the God of Death
group Maui Aonani Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Life and Healing as well as the God of Life and Health
group Brook Deltala Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Water as well as the Goddess of Water
group Satana Shade Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Darkness as well as the Goddess of Darkness
group Majora Storm Resigned from the throne, The former king has changed his name to suit his more Rogue type of lifestyle
group Morpheus Thunder Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Storms as well as the God of storms
group Felix Power Bearer of the Legends Crystal of Common Magic as well as the God of Magic

9 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Ragegaurde Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Poison and Darkness
terrain Slyvein Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Water and Light.
terrain Islands of Legends Harborer of the Legends Crystal of Magic.
terrain Tundrana Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Ice/Snow and Moon.
terrain Everfront Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Death and Storm.
terrain Mythia Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Energy and Psychic. The biggest guild in Mythia is the Mythian Defenders headed by Mythia's own Majora Storm
terrain Eska Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Air and Life.
terrain Volcania Harbor of the Legends Crystals of Fire and Metal.
terrain Barereach Barereach is the harborer of the Legends Crystal of the Earth.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Fatal It is a Black Obsitanium blade sharp on both sides and comes to a point. The hilt is made of a Gold Titanium and has a black grip. Has a Twin Linked Sword named Bites check out that page Is one ...
emoji_events Bites It is a Purple Obsitanium blade sharp on both sides and comes to a point. The hilt is made of a Aquamarine crystal and has a black grip. Has a Twin Linked Sword named Fatal check out that page ...

This universe was created by Stryler Storm on

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