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folder_open World Religions

Zacharism began as the Cult of Zacharias, which taught that Donwights were naturally evil and that their power needed to be released into the fabric of reality in order to free them from its inherent corruption. As a result, the Donwight Hunts devastated the countries South of the Rift and led to Donwights fleeing to the north, where they could be protected. Zacharism went mainstream after the takeover of a more moderate mystic faction, who stopped the Hunts and began teaching that Donwights were, in fact, allegorical, and nothing in the Book of Zachary should be taken literally. Zacharistic Mysticism caught on and became known simply as Zacharism, overtaking Universal Cultism as the majority religion in most places. Zacharism did not reject the Universal Seven as a concept, but, like Shamanism, taught that they were forces to be respected rather than deities to be worshipped.

Universal Cultism

Creator Worship is sometimes included in Universal Cultism, but when it is, it is distinct from the monotheist Creationism.

The Universal Seven - Fate, Death, Time, Chance, Luck, Nature and Chaos - are worshipped in temples and have various monastic communities dedicated to them. Mainstream UC has developed formulaic rituals and liturgies familiar across the world, while folk-religion based around the Seven can vary dramatically in practice and expression.


Shamans see Nature as the primary deity, and there is room within shamanism for those who do not believe in any deities but see them as universal forces rather than beings of any kind.

Part supernatural channelling of energies and part scientific, shamanism is responsible for many vital discoveries in the medical field, and is a dominant belief system among cultures that require shamans to channel energies for them, i.e. lycanthropic and shape-shifting communities. It can and does co-exist well with Universal Cultism, although it is likely that the UC practice in a shamanistic culture will be to worship Nature in mainstream and hybrid ways.


Phantasmie is classed as its own religion because it rejects the other deities as deities, seeing them only as natural forces in the world, and worship centres on Death and Her angels as a pantheon in its own right. Death's gatekeeper, Grimbold, is also given semi-divine status.

Phantasmie involves divination and communion with departed spirits as its central practice.


Creationism is a minority monotheistic religion which worships the Creator of the Universal Seven and views the Seven as aspects of the Creator, rather than deities in their own right.

- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

The main religions in the world are:

Universal Cultism





folder_open Calendars / Measuring Time
- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

North Calendar:

Dark Ages, where years are named

Common Era [CE] (the Cantish calendar, adopted during the Empire Days so that they could trade effectively, and also because it was decided that it was a better system).

For the North Calendar, CE ends at the end of the Faustine Chronicles III: The Book of Chance.

Post-Rift [PR]: After the world was split into two halves, North and South, one being in a parallel dimension and accessable to the other side only through the openings in the Rift between them.

Cantish Calendar:

The Golden Days: a mythological time, without dating.
Before Common Era [BCE]: from the beginning of history to the end of the Empire Days.

The Empire Days [ED]: now unused, this was a popular but brief demarcation of the age of empires in the 1500s-1600s CE. It began with the start of the Cantish Empire and ended with the Council of Nations being formed and the first Peace Treaty being signed.

Common Era [CE]: marked from the formation of the Council of Nations and the signing of the first Peace Treaty between them.

New Era [NE]: the discovery of how to harness glamour as a power source, which revolutionised the world. Only in the south, however. The north of the world had separated off hundreds of years before this and had already figured this out. For anyone crossing the Rift from north to south, it is like going back in time.

Note: not all countries South of the Rift use 'New Era', and instead still use Common Era. The rift was formed c350CE according to the Northern Calendar. For some time after the rift was created time passed more quickly in the south than in the north, until the rift was temporally stabilised.

This universe contains...
43 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Brising / Augustria Ancient Brising was a small port city, with catacombs beneath from when it was a sacred city for the priests of the Seven Hills. Gradually it became a built-up urban area to serve the temples and t...
terrain Cantium Equivalent to a Mediterranean climate; culture is a mix of Ancient Rome and Ancient Athens.
terrain Aigyptos Once a thriving city-state in the desert, situated around a natural oasis and with the river delta on one side.
terrain Aelfthorne A small country in the Tundra, bordered by Cynehelm, Magyarion, and Guelder. It is a coastal country on the North Sea. Aelfthorne occupies a region of great scenic beauty. The western part of t...
terrain Jamtland A hook-shaped northern country with the Quirn Sea to the south and North Sea to the north, connected to Guelder in the south-east.
terrain Auvona Land of the centaurs, in the Ice Fields
terrain Darien Land of the Frost Giants
terrain Isenjern Land of the Ice Giants, in the Ice Fields
terrain Iridiume Country on the Europan Continent, shares a partial border with Cantium in the south-east.
terrain Demetia One of the Elf-realms on the Europan Continent, home to the third tribe of Elves.
terrain Boleztahn Home to the birdmen, or Bolezn.
terrain Gezehnstahn A country on the Olympic Continent, neighbouring Boleztahn. The Gezehn/Geezer people live a mixture of nomadic and urban lifestyles, with a no-mans land between them and their Bolezn neighbours kno...
terrain Upper Pharynx Upper Pharynx is separated from Lower Pharynx by a river delta. A small country on the Olympic Continent.
terrain Lower Pharynx Small coastal country on the Olympic Continent dissected by a river delta into Upper and Lower parts. Famous for Pharynese rugs.
terrain Espavia Once a great Empire that rivalled Cantium, Espavia is a country in the south of the Europan Continent threatened by the expansionist policies of Kormandia, its larger neighbour.
terrain Kormandia Large country in the south of the Europan Continent, famous for the Serpentortia style of martial art, and Korvish stallions.
terrain Stymatoria Southernmost country of the Europan continent, protected in the north from neighbours like Espavia and Kormandia by impenetrable jungle.
terrain Golgaunt Land of Men in the Ice Fields, controlled by warlords and warbands. In times of war (from external threats), a council will be called to elect one leader over them all.
terrain Gothorum Land of the High Goblins, gradually being re-inhabited after the Great Expulsion which saw High Goblins seeking refuge in Golgaunt from the dwarf armies of Nanutell. This led to the migration south...
terrain Ludeca Tundran country on the Europan Continent, land of the horselords. More properly, the Tundra is now a steppe rather than a tundra, but the name stuck. The Ludecans still practice traditional ways of...
terrain Lukos Small country in the Tundra, landlocked, with by Saura, Guelder and Ludeca around it. The Lukosians domesticated wolves and are not to be confused with lycanthropes. It is rumoured that their shama...
terrain Lysira
terrain Nanutell Dwarf kingdom within the Gunning Gap in the Ice Fields
terrain Nemedian Land of the many-headed trolls.
terrain Thousand Islands Some populated, others not, the Thousand Islands are all that is left of a fourth continent that was devastated by volcanic eruptions in the ocean.
terrain Scytharia North Sea country on the Europan Continent, surrounded by sea on three sides. south borders with north Demetia and Iridiume.
terrain Talór-gen
terrain Terrabulan
terrain Northern Reefs Coral Reef kingdom on the Olympic Continent, partially underwater.
terrain Southern Reefs Entirely underwater, the mermaid counterpart of the Northern Reefs, which is ruled by the more amphibious races.
terrain Dassouss Desert city-state, kritarchy, intensely secretive.
terrain Olympia The Olympic Continent has several deserts - the Aridazsun and Seth being the largest of these - and some tropical jungles.
terrain Europa One of three continents, the Europan Continent includes the Tundra in the north as well as the warmer, drier climates of the south and temperate central climates. The Quirn Sea is at its heart, and...
terrain Saura Tundran country on the Europan Continant. Saurans are lizard-men, said to be human-storm dragon hybrids.
terrain Cynehelm A small landlocked country in The Tundra, neighbouring Aelfthorne, Guelder and Ludeca. Most famous for the popular poetic epic featuring Cynewulf, a mythical prince of Cynehelm.
terrain Guelder Tundran country neighbouring Jamtland and Ludeca. North coast on the North Sea, with trade routes across the sea to Velbekom in the Ice Fields, and Golgaunt.
terrain Senfalias
terrain Edinar Country on the Europan Continent
terrain The Ice Fields Northernmost continent of the world. The magnetic pole is located roughly in the centre of the Gunning Gap, the rising heat from which prevents the continent from being completely uninhabitable.
terrain Magyarion Tundran Country on the Europan Continent, heavily forested.
terrain Sarurama Lost jungle kingdom on the Olympic Continent
terrain The Gunning Gap A deep and wide fissure in the middle of the Ice Fields with lava at the bottom.
terrain Velbekom Coastal country south of the Ice Fields, with trade routes to Jamtland and the Tundra. Lycanthropic kingdom.

This universe was created by C. M. Rosens on

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